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To begin, answer yourself the question: WHY do you have sex? You may have smiled? In vain. The answer to this question, in fact, is not as simple as it seems. You know about the direct use of this process – the instinct of procreation. But sex is also used as a means to achieve some goals. Here is a modest and far from complete list of these goals.

1. The manifestation of love – no comment! And so everything is clear.

2. Reproduction – not so much the process as the final result, erotica is not important, only the social or natural qualities of the participants are important.

3. Discharge of sexual arousal – the quality of the partner is not important, and in general you can get by with masturbation.

4. Recreation – sex is seen as an exercise that restores power. Partner satisfaction – as an addition to your own pleasure.

5. Communication and communication – establishing intimacy between partners.

6. Self-assertion – in the first plan the need of the individual, mostly men, to test or prove to himself or others that he can attract, like, sexually satisfy.

7. Cognition – the knowledge of women, the satisfaction of sexual curiosity peculiar to all people. The famous biblical phrase “to know a woman” is this “aria” just from this “opera”.

8. Ritual – maintaining a certain ritual or habit, proof of the stability of existing relations between partners, occurs mainly in marriage.

9. Improvement of the state – physical and emotional; the achievement of this goal in general can become a kind of “drug addiction”.

10. Religious or mystical practices – in many nations in different historical times, customs of ritual intercourse were common in the fields during the seeding period.

In ancient Greece there was a cult of Demeter – the goddess of fertility and agriculture. The holiday lasted for several days, and in one of them the young Greek women were given to men on the newly plowed fields.

Eastern and Western Slavs on the night of Ivan Kupala – initially the holiday was associated with the summer solstice – marriage rites were performed, and according to some sources, mass free copulation.

On one of the Moluccas, if a bad harvest was expected at the carnation, naked men came to the plantation at night and shouted “More carnations!” And sowed the seed on the carnations.

In some parts of Transylvania and India, naked women plowed at night, giving their reproductive power to the earth.

In the Australian aborigines, the dieri ritual copulation of four pairs of men and women was considered a means to increase the fecundity of emus.

You can list for a long time, but, I think, enough, this is not a treatise on the sexual rituals of the peoples of the Earth. And it was point 10.

11. Getting material benefits – prostitution, marriage of convenience.

12. The demonstration of superiority over a partner and his humiliation – is characteristic of the social classes, the army, prisons and the criminal environment in a broad sense; Here, oral sex is the most popular method of cumulative demonstration, which is an ideal aggregate method.

13. Rape – forced sex, sexual abuse, involving the commission of sexual intercourse by one or more people with another person without the consent of the latter.

14. Transmission of venereal diseases – the conscious action of a patient with a venereal disease of a person in relation to another person with the aim of harming or avenging something.

15. Pleasure – is absolute, pure enjoyment of sensations. Here in the foreground a variety of erotic techniques.

Due to the fact that sexual attraction is a powerful motive for people’s behavior, it is often used by all kinds of special services and criminal communities in order

· receiving information,

· control over the selected individual,

· providing a side effect on the behavior and thoughts of individuals through the assigned “delight specialist”,

· getting compromising in order to blackmail,

· the destruction of the psyche of the subject through the call impotence, infection with venereal disease, training the selected object to new forms of sexual activity,

· further development of “drug addiction” in order to more effectively manipulate.

In many societies, sex and manifestations of human sexual behavior are subject to social, ideological, and criminal restrictions. And, the more authoritarian the society, the stronger these restrictions. For example, in many countries, infidelity is still recognized as a crime for which material or criminal liability can be imposed, including the death penalty and stoning of people who have departed from tradition.

I think enough excursion into the historical and psychological jungle. Tell me, did you find yourself in these lists? Have you found the reason why you specifically have sex? If so, read on. If not, stop and think about the answer.

So you thought. And now you know exactly the reason why you are having sex.

And now answer the question: What kind of these types of sex allows stretching ONE sexual intercourse for two, three or even four hours?

Seven secrets of long sex

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