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Only one – number 15, pleasure! Everything! There are no other options! Only absolute enjoyment of sensations from this process. For pleasure, pleasure is NOT a reaction, but a mood, a mood to enjoy emotionally at any moment of bodily communication, inclusion of every nerve ending in this process. The traditional reaction – the desire to necessarily experience an orgasm, because it is right and normal – is meaningless. It is violence over sensual experience. And the same applies to bringing your partner to orgasm. Such sex does not bring real satisfaction, its outcome – frustration and emotional problems in the future.

In order to get the mystical share of pleasure from sex, you need to learn to feel satisfaction from the very beginning and literally every second, developing pleasure as an inner blissful smile until this bliss captures the body totally.

Even number 1 – love – does not fit! Because “the love of evil – you will love the goat!”. And this postulate is valid in both directions. This phrase like no other reflects the essence of the situation: neither external data, nor social status are important, nor by what method does the partner have sex – nothing matters! In the partner, EVERYTHING is accepted without exception, and there is no desire to change anything. And even if a man ejaculates five minutes after the start of sexual intercourse – this is not perceived as his fault. This is a FAVORITE man!

And even the number 11 – prostitution – is also not suitable. Because if you think that the main goal is confusing is to give you pleasure, you are deeply mistaken! The main and only goal of a prostitute is to make money!

And since one does not earn much from one client, then, accordingly, it is necessary to “skip” through yourself as many clients as possible. Then the total income will be more. And there is no longer a place for long fun. Finished – and go out of here! Of course, among the “night butterflies” are those who engage in prostitution out of pure “love of art”. Well, they love this thing! Why such love? Maybe their first and second chakras – Muladhara with Svadhisthana – are developed like mom do not grieve. Maybe they just like this business, they see their purpose in it, the Universal Mission. But such units. The bulk of women who go to the panel, goes to her to earn. Why exactly this way? And this you ask their fathers and stepfathers who raped them in their youth or even in childhood and forced them to surrender to their drunk friends. You will ask this from the state, which is already a hundred years old, how it cannot bring the economy to a level that ensures a decent life, and which closes factories and mills, raises the prices of essential goods and makes education more “free”. This you ask yourself, taking the girls in marriage and closing them in the four walls for many years, not allowing them to get an education and not allowing them to work for reasons – “mine, I will not give it to anyone!”. And then, divorce them, take away their property and leave them with the children in their arms, without livelihood and the opportunity to go to work because of a small child. Of course, this is not always the case. And the ladies, too, are not embroidered sewn. But there is some truth in this.

Not suitable also number 6 – self-affirmation. For example, you decided to have a spy in the office of your boss, and his pretty secretary is most suited for this role. What to do? How to make her loyal to yourself, how to recruit her and have a tool for blackmail? Of course, fuck! But this must be done quickly, very quickly! There is no time for long caresses and “ritual dances” – he put it on the office table and fucked him.. From the same series, and quick sex at a corporate party, when drunk a man drags a woman who he likes or has just liked for a long time into an empty office – and go ahead!

Well. Now you know something about yourself. Go ahead.

In the announcement, I promised to talk about a man who turned to me for help in solving one problem. It was this incident that gave me the final impetus for writing this book. I tell. Without a name, of course. I will call him NN.

So, having begun his story, stammering and silencing, choosing words for a long time, NN finally said that sexual intercourse in his performance can calmly last about three hours – and this is not the limit. But! All the women that he still had, DO NOT SUPPORT such a long marathon! After telling this information and having calmed down a bit, NN began to tell… What he had not suffered for years of his sexual activity. And, in fact, it came to the point that impotence loomed on the horizon. Do not laugh! You, as a man, know perfectly well how a woman’s refusal has a negative effect on male ego.

I will not retell his confession, it is useless. But while he was talking about his thorny path, she remembered that she herself had come across this several times. And I will tell you about the most interesting case.

I had a lover who could the same! He could ONE sexual intercourse extend up to three or four hours! Having sex for one hour meant for him to get laid in a hurry! Two – all right. Three is the norm. And sometimes we reached four or more hours at a time. And everything went well, and I didn’t even immediately realize that in our relationship “not so”. All the sexual behavior of my lover said that he did not finish something. Hiding something. And when the relationship became more trusting and we began to have heartfelt and frank conversations for a long time, I still learned from him his secret. And when he told me that ONE sexual intercourse he can conduct for 2—3 hours and that this is a problem for him (“I do not ejaculate as quickly as women want”) which ultimately resulted in an inferiority complex I fell into a state of shock. How?! For thousands of years, mankind has been looking for ways to prolong sexual intercourse. There are endless treatises written on this subject. For centuries, the best minds of the three great cultures of India, Japan and China have been searching for the cherished “sexual Grail” (not counting the smaller cultures). Modern medicine in a mad marathon invents “magic pills” for a hard and long erection, and you have this gift from nature and consider yourself unhappy and defective?! You are crazy! Yes, alas, he considered himself unhappy, flawed and defective! Even at the very beginning of his sexual life, he tried to “unleash” the ladies for such a feat, but nothing good came of it, and over time he simply began to adapt to his women, not even hinting at his abilities. Can you imagine what it is like to hide and restrain your most intimate male talent and sexual essence all your life!

Gradually, I found out that the ladies who were with him before me didn’t really like sex at all. Of course, I will not call them frigid, as frigidity, what is called “sexual dysfunction” in modern sexology, is an extremely complex phenomenon. This is an intricate interweaving of many physical and psychological factors: here there are diseases of the urogenital system, psychological traumas, actions of various drugs, etc., etc. But there was something “fish” in these ladies, judging according to the stories of my lover.

I must say that with all my obvious desire to know what ONE sexual intercourse lasts for four hours, I had to “rock” my lover for a long time to a state of complete trust. Trust – in the sense of creating complete confidence in him that I will not alienate him when it comes to such a time. And the hour has come! When, finally, we reached a fairly stable psychological comfort and unity of bodies and souls, the result exceeded all expectations! And now I can say with full confidence: this experience brings the consciousness to a completely new, higher, unexplored and very, very attractive level. Moreover, tempting prospects loomed ahead! And our meetings would last for another three or four months, we would go into absolutely fantastic areas! But… As is often the case in life, our flight was interrupted. We broke up. Ask why? His official wife, for reasons completely incomprehensible to me, was against our meetings.

There was a clear connection between the two men – my former lover and the client at the consultation. And you can formulate it like this:

Even having such a gift – to prolong ONE sexual intercourse for several hours – it is difficult for a man to find a partner who would like it or who could withstand such a marathon physically and psychologically!

Seven secrets of long sex

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