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Chapter 2

Kate returned home by three o’clock. She thought the smell from the parlor still lingered on her, even after her ten-minute shower, and couldn’t stop thinking of the girls she had met.

With the feel of the air on her buttocks and her breasts squashed within a push-up bra, she’d walked into the parlor’s reception and managed to smile at a client. She thought her heart would burst through her chest and her legs might let her down, but she’d looked the man in the eye and felt a fraction of the confidence that had once been hers.

Since coming home, she had been depleted by the silence lashing down like an accusatory tongue. She’d felt like a woman in that parlor, capable of holding a man’s attention, if even for the short time it took to walk before him and out the door again. But it was like air blowing her up, and it only lasted as long as she was in the massage parlor. Outside, her real life made her deflate.

Now, wandering around the large rooms of her house, she was painfully aware that all she could do was watch the clock and wait for Colin. When the phone rang, she ran to it, wanting any voice to break her solitude.

* * * *

“Kate, something came up. I’m going to be a bit late.”

“But we have your dinner party.”

Colin’s eyes fixed on Melanie, the dark-haired woman with the brown eyes and sly smile lying on the bed before him. “That’s why I’m calling. I’ll be back for it. Just be ready.” He didn’t admonish her for the “your” she’d thrown in. Usually he would, letting her know it was her fault she didn’t get on with their neighbors.

Now he couldn’t concentrate. Melanie lay on her stomach with her legs spread. All he wanted to do was caress them until he reached the space between and feel her ass as he entered her. He loved the way she raised her hips, all willingness and heat, and how she clenched to make sure he couldn’t let go until the last minute. She was possessive of him. Even entering the building, he thought he could feel her eyes on him from her office window. It was enough to get him aroused.

Colin sighed. “I have to go.” He was sure Kate could hear his smile on the other end.

Melanie got up from the bed and she made a gesture with her hands to indicate non-stop chatter as she walked behind him. Her nipples rubbed against him as she moved her fingers between his buttocks.

There was an intake of breath before he spoke again. “I’ll see you later.” He hung up.

She caressed the inside of his thighs, like he’d imagined doing to her while she lay on the bed. Melanie moved her hand to his crotch. Her breasts pressed on his back, and he could feel the warmth of her soft pubes against his ass.

Melanie reached around him, teasing his chest, pinching his nipples. She moved slowly down his stomach to play with his pubic hair and his penis. He heard her chuckle as she took hold of his cock. Her body pressed against him further and she slid her hand up and down. Her grasp tightened and she moved quicker. He straightened and felt her body even more. He could smell her excitement, rising in waves.

When her hand slowed and her grip eased, he turned quickly and dropped his hand to her wet pussy. He pulled her body roughly toward him before he buried his fingers inside her. She arched and he pushed, bending his legs for the force she enjoyed so much. She grasped his back, her nipples hard against his chest.

Colin heard his fingers move inside her and had to force himself to prolong the lovely shuddering of his erection. She was so wet. He wanted her moistness on his cock so he could become lost within her, but he had learned to wait until the two of them had reached the breaking point.

Her moan was filled with need. Melanie’s warm breath fell on his neck and added to his heat. She pulled him to her as if she could disappear within him rather than the other way round. He could feel her hand on his side, pinching his skin, hungry for his erection as it rubbed against her leg. He couldn’t wait much longer.

With a hand around her back, Colin moved deep inside her. She moaned and bit his shoulder, her velvety tongue taking away from the sharp edges of her teeth as he lifted her and her leg wrapped around his waist. When he moved toward the wall, he could feel her soft pink opening and the gorgeous excitement wetting her pubes.

With her back against the wall, he pulled his hand out and smelled her on his fingertips before he entered her. He lunged, reaching as far as he could. He knew Melanie liked it hard, that she loved to be left with bruises to remember their lovemaking when she was alone.

“Harder,” she whispered. “Fuck me harder.”

Colin put his two hands on her buttocks and she wrapped her other leg around him. Then he moved to the chest of drawers by the door, her warm body against his. With a sweep of his hand, he knocked clothes and a wallet from its surface. He noticed when he placed her on top, there was a space between it and the wall and couldn’t help think it was so she could lie flat, at waist level, as she did now. She stretched her arms out so her palms lay flat on the wall and she pushed against him.

With a hand on either side of her, he was able to move her up and down his length. He moaned, feeling the pleasure moving through him while she clenched her muscles and licked her red lips, making him want her more.

His back arched and he threw his head back as he reached the far depths of her. His hips moved faster with each thrust and his body grew hungry to feel her collapse around him.

She shuddered, and her head twisted with her moans. “Yes, yes!”

Colin loved her exhilaration. The complete lack of self-consciousness allowed her to yell with her orgasm and bring it to crescendo point. His body trembled, and he clutched her tighter and lifted her waist so he could get lost in her as he came. He jerked with the hot release, his buttocks tightening with pleasure.

She was warm and soft on his cock as it grew limp. He couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her yet. He lay on top her and felt the warm sweat between her breasts and her quick breaths. She stroked his head and giggled. He smiled, lost in the sweet scent of their sex until their breathing grew even. Then he stood and looked at her smiling, red-cheeked face. “You are gorgeous.” He shook his head as his gaze took in her long legs, the sprinkling of pubic hair and her pot-bellied stomach. He helped her sit up and kissed her lips.

“But you have to go.” She was dismissive.

“Kate’s waiting.”

“Why are you still with her?”

“I can’t desert her after what happened.” He knew that wasn’t true.

“Not yet.” Melanie’s voice was hard.

Colin smiled. “Of course, that’s what I meant.” He touched her cheek. “I’ll be able to leave her soon, I promise.” He started to get dressed.

“What time will you be here tomorrow?” She stood behind him now.

Her naked gleaming body was only inches away from him. He breathed in her scent before sitting on the bed and looking for his shoes. “As early as I can.” He wanted to touch her but didn’t. He would leave with desire stirring so the hours until their next meeting would be filled with tantalizing promise.

“Good.” She smiled before walking into the bathroom and teasing him with the wiggle of her ass. With the sound of the shower, he walked out of her bedroom.

* * * *

Colin hadn’t meant to treat his wife badly. If he’d moved his hands down her body while she held onto him in bed during those first days after her attack, it would be different now.

When he married Kate, she was determined and strong and they had never expected her to need support and help. Colin wasn’t equipped or willing to change within their relationship. She lay helpless and in tears beside him, but he couldn’t hold this new version of Kate and he would never forgive her for changing their roles so completely. He kept back his caresses, bringing a distance between them with a lack of touch, and once he had started keeping her down, he found he could not stop.

Two years later, he still liked the way she looked at him as if seeking his approval. Sometimes he regretted the way he acted toward her, but only in the morning, when he watched her sleeping peacefully and warmth welled up inside him. But by the time he returned in the evening, his body tired from work and spent from Melanie’s touches four days a week, he believed their unbridgeable distance was what they’d always moved toward and nothing could have changed it.

He had been as patient as he could, especially after what happened. Kate met that man in a basement of a derelict house, away from protection. She had gone there without thinking how this simple act would change their lives.

When he met Kate, he was blown away by her independence. During their first months together, she told him he would never have to take care of her. She had few friends, one girl named Stephanie, whose friendship had been on and off since kindergarten, and an older woman, Ina, who helped raise her since she was four. But because of her mother’s desertion, Kate swore she would survive on her own. She told him years ago, as she roamed his bare chest with her fingers, “I don’t need anyone.”

Her eyes had blazed with certainty, so he could only nod and ask, “What do you want from me then?”

“What you can give, Colin McKenzie.” Kate’s smile had skirted the edges of conversation. “Fun.”

Colin had laughed, even with the shallowness in her words and how they belittled him to a mere playmate. He could see she was right. He was not the kind of man who would give otherwise.

* * * *

Kate walked around the house she and Colin shared. In the silence of the large rooms, she was sure she had heard a woman’s laughter on the phone. Her stomach was in knots, her hands twisted in front of her. She had tried Colin’s office immediately after he hung up and was told he’d already left.

A part of her wondered why she was surprised. She had stopped asking questions about his whereabouts a long time ago. The days after she had been raped, she would await Colin’s arrival on the couch with her legs tucked to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. His entry would bring a smile to her face, which was always slightly forced. “How was your day?” she’d ask.

For the first weeks, he’d sit beside her while loosening his tie. “Okay. Busy. What did you do?”

She’d shrug, talk about this and that, mostly what was happening on the news, what she’d cooked for dinner, though she barely ate the meals she spent hours cooking, and about going back to work, which he would dismiss with a shake of his head. He wouldn’t let her get hurt again.

Then one night, Kate’s questions inevitably turned to “It’s late. Where were you?”

He’d stopped before her. “I have to work, you know.” He glanced around the room. “We have all this on one wage.”

She’d followed his glance and met his hard eyes with hurt in her own, which asked All what, Colin? but he wouldn’t let her bring that question out. He’d forced her back with a quick smile, like the lash of a whip, and said, “I can’t do anything about the hours.”

When she’d looked at him, there’d been tears in her eyes. “I was worried. You could’ve called.”

Colin had continued to the bedroom. “For God’s sake, give me a break.”

He’d slammed the door on her complaint, so she ran and opened it. The sob resting on her lips made them quiver. “Colin?”

At the end of the bed, he had started undressing. “I was busy. I didn’t have time. You knew where I was.”

Her “But…” had met with retreat as he went into the shower. She heard the water running down his body and wondered what it’d been like to hold him. When she closed her eyes, she couldn’t picture his naked form, only his back.

* * * *

Nearly two years had passed since Kate had walked into the half-built house and a large part of her disappeared. She and Colin had not touched each other in all that time, although a few weeks ago, she’d tried to reach him. Until then, she had believed he’d been holding back for her.

In bed, with her breasts pressed against his back, she’d moved her hand slowly down his stomach. She’d felt his breath catch with hers as she crept inside his boxers and found his limp penis. Kate had kissed his back and started to caress him.

He’d stopped her, clasping her fingers tight. “I’m tired, Kate.” When he pushed her away, she wanted to cry. She felt so small.

* * * *

Kate had never thought this distance would happen with them when they met in college. Colin studied business and Kate, sociology. He had told her he noticed her the first day of term, when she was walking outside and her auburn hair shone in the afternoon light.

One day, he surprised her by stopping her. “Can I come along sometime?”

She looked at him, puzzled. Her smile faded. “What?”

“I’ve tried to get your attention. Each time you pass, I search for a simple hello and you’re always somewhere else.”

Her grin returned in its fullness. “Hello.” She moved to pass him, but he gripped her arm, his fingers soft. She waited, eyebrows raised. His gaze took her in, leaving no part untouched. “Was there something else?”

“I’m Colin.”

“Hello, Colin. I’m Kate.”

“I know. I had to find out who the most beautiful girl in campus was.”

His lingering gaze let her accept this statement. He made her feel alluring and confident. “Tell her I said hello.”

He beamed. “Very funny.”

She tried to move away but it was halfhearted. When she looked at him again, she shrugged. “So are you going to ask me out or do you plan to just hold me here all day?”

He laughed. “Will you let me buy you dinner tonight, Kate?”


“Where do you live?”

She wrote down her address and handed it to him. “Seven okay?”

“Seven’s perfect.” He let her go, and as Kate walked away, she could feel his gaze rest on her ass. It made her body twinge. His light brown eyes and the way his sandy hair fell over them was lovely to her. She liked the softness of his hand and imagined his mouth on her. She wondered how he would feel between her legs.

That night, his smile was full of appreciation when he saw her in the short black dress. He told her she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. His eyes danced as he moved closer, and she felt his hand on her knee under the dinner table. She wanted him too. She never believed in waiting until the next date and dousing the fire with time. Desire couldn’t survive on its own, and she didn’t like games.

She remembered how her legs had spread in the restaurant with the touch of his fingers. Why be afraid of sexuality, she used to think, yet now the thought of letting go frightened her. It was hard to remember the arousal caused by his simple touch as they rose from their first dinner together. Her fingers tingled with her need to caress him. When she stood, her legs trembled slightly so she gripped the table for support. Before Colin had his jacket on, she saw the bulge of his erection.

He put an arm around her and dropped his hand to the small of her back. When they got to her apartment, she had barely closed the door before his hands were on her waist. He kissed her, his tongue exploring her lips and moving between them with an urgency that made her step back. He held her face with soft fingers as his mouth possessed her. His lips tasted of coffee and salt.

She climbed the gentle curves of his back as he traced a line from her cheek down her neck and to her breasts, where they skimmed her nipple and made her breath catch. Then his mouth was on her neck. She bit her lip as his tongue followed his fingers, and he moved his hand between her legs. His palm flattened and stroked her panties.

The warmth of his touch rippled through her body as he pushed against her and she felt his erection. She wanted to hold its hardness. A sigh caught in her throat. Kate opened his button and zipper, yearning for his hot skin on hers so she could feel his excitement pulsing. She wondered if he would taste as salty there too.

Colin stroked inside her panties and moved through her wetness, his other hand on her buttocks. His fingers entered her, bringing her head back and making her grip flail around his cock, so he was able to move downward with his lips, skimming the light fabric of her dress.

Kate’s mouth opened in a long silent moan as she watched his head lower and knew those soft lips of his would soon be between her legs. Her body was rigid and tight against the wall in expectation as he pulled the soaked panties sideways, and his breath sent waves of pleasure through her, even before he pushed her legs apart and licked her softly.

She flattened her hands against the wall as he tasted the sides of her pussy. He lapped her up, taking his time, his tongue moving from one end to the other in delicious slowness. Lost in the feel of his mouth, she barely kept from coming. The thought of his hard penis inside her grew too much to bear and she pulled him up, digging her fingers into his shoulders from need.

He stood, and with quick, grasping hands, she pulled his cock inside her so it could soak up the wetness that made her pubes glisten. He moved slowly and she came within seconds, her trembling making her body shudder.

Colin waited until she grew still in his arms then turned her around. He groaned as he entered her from behind. Her dress was up by her waist, her panties pulled to the side and his trousers around his ankles. She closed her eyes as she pictured how they looked together while his groans filled the space around them.

“Oh God,” he moaned, making her smile. She felt him come and pushed against him as he wriggled his ass, and a continuous “Mmm” moved from his mouth onto her back.

When he let her go, she faced him. They both smiled. There was no unease and she had no qualms about what she wanted to do next. He pulled up his trousers, and she took him by the hand and led him upstairs.

* * * *

Now it was hard for Kate to believe she and Colin had started the way they had. She was wondering if she would someday be unable to trust that memory when she heard the garage door opening. She sat up and listened to her husband enter their house and take the steps to the bedroom, where she waited, already dressed for the party with a book in her hand.

“Hi, Kate!” Colin’s footsteps were heavy on the staircase. When she felt his presence at the bedroom door, she turned. He took off his tie, his face blank. He didn’t look at her light blue dress. It had once been his favorite.

“Where were you?”

“At the office. I talked to you.” He moved toward their en-suite bathroom as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“I rang back straight away and they told me you were gone.”

He didn’t miss a stride. “I told them not to accept calls from anyone. I was in the middle of something.” He smirked during his last words.

She wanted to step closer, sure she could smell sex in the air. But her doubts kept her feet rooted to the floor. “I said it was your wife.”

“I said, ‘anyone.’”

The bathroom door closed between them and she heard the shower start. So that’s who she was—just anyone. She had known it for a while.

Eventually he came out with a towel wrapped around him and put on jeans and a fresh shirt. When he finished dressing, he finally looked at her. “Okay, you ready?”

She stood. Her hair lay across her shoulders and was pulled back from her face. She wore a little makeup that enhanced the brown in her eyes, and a pale lipstick softened her full lips. She nodded, hoping he would notice her effort.

He smiled back, too quickly, hardly seeing her. “I left the wine in the car.”

Kate waited after he’d gone, watching the door of their bedroom and hoping to see his body rewind to the space he had left, so she could get a second glance at his smile and let it fill the part of her stomach that had dropped.

“You coming?” he shouted from downstairs. “Kate, come on!”

Colin’s impatience brought her back to the present. The light had shifted, filling the room with shadows. He waited at the front door and opened it with her approach. She threw a light blue cardigan over her shoulders. He stepped outside and waited for her to follow. As Colin took her hand, she imagined the shadows coming out to play.

* * * *

A year after their first date, Colin took Kate to the beach near his house. They’d brought a picnic and a blanket. It was a warm spring day, the sky a bright lapis blue. They laughed trying to put the blanket on the sand with straight lines as the breeze kicked under it.

Kate sat first and became aware of his still-standing form after a few seconds. She had to shield her eyes when she looked up, until he moved. She smiled then because he was large enough to blot out the sun.

She remembered his dark silhouette going down on one knee. His smile was shaky. She loved his nervousness that day as much as the romance, loved the way his eyes widened, as if the way he would view life from now on depended entirely on her. The sun seemed to take a step backward, as though the world had started to revolve around them. He reached for her, but his hand was hard to focus on. She went back to his face instead.

“I can’t be without you, even for a day.” His smile gained confidence with her silence and remained on his face as his grip loosened around the box. “Kate Giovanni, will you make me the happiest man on this earth and be my wife?”

She didn’t have to consider it. Her arms around his neck made him fall back, laughing.

* * * *

A dark-haired woman opened the door of Jeanne’s house and smiled at them. Kate felt Colin’s grip strengthen. Light flicked across the woman’s eyes and made Kate hold her breath, as if that sparkle had taken something off her. She thought, with the tightening of her husband’s fingers and the easy lolling tone of his “Hello,” that the woman was enjoying the effect she had on Colin, building energy like a bulb just plugged in.

The night turned out just as Kate had imagined it. She hated every minute. Only Kate and Colin and one other couple, Camilla and Ian, had been invited. Camilla knew Jeanne’s husband, Frederick, through working at the art gallery in town. She was an older, very sexy woman with dark curly hair, brown eyes and wide hips.

The men all got slightly drunk on whiskey as Kate and Camilla helped Jeanne with the food in the kitchen. “So how are you?” Jeanne had asked.

Kate nodded, unable to find her smile. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“I do hope so.”

Kate wished she had something to rebound this consideration back to Jeanne. She wanted to shatter the tough, annoying resolve of the woman it came from. When they finished setting the table and joined the men in the living room, Colin was sitting on the couch with his elbow on the armrest. He leaned forward and nodded at Kate before his eyes roamed up and down Camilla and his smile broadened. Kate felt her heart stop.

Her neighbors’ false sympathy and Colin’s lecherous looks kept Kate’s confidence at a low, though the next day, when her first client started to take off his clothes, she couldn’t help thinking of Jeanne’s hand on her back and her caring, plastic smile.

The Masseuse

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