Читать книгу The Masseuse - Marianne Brun - Страница 6
ОглавлениеChapter 3
Jade walked into the reception area with her satin slip clinging to her and smiled at the appreciation she saw in the client’s eyes. The small Italian man stood upon her entry. He had brown eyes, a scrunched-up face and thin red lips. Dark stubble made up for his receding hairline. She knew he would pick her when closing the door. She saw his eyes had not left her and he had not sat.
A few minutes later, she followed her first client into the dimly lit room, where music played on the intercom. He undressed and threw his clothes on the ground with a gesture of impatience that worried her. She took her time, slipping the straps off her shoulders. She had wanted to believe she would enter those dark rooms and become a different person, suddenly having the desire of Arlene, the confidence of Michele or the vixen-like ways of Nikki. She imagined the sensual music and the smell of sex would engulf her, releasing a new woman like a caterpillar from its cocoon. She would waltz out the door with the grace of a butterfly after holding a man’s penis and making him come.
It didn’t happen like that. The Kate side of her came out in full force, though at one stage Jade felt her curiosity spark. When her client made his request to touch her, there was hesitation. For a second, she imagined what it would be like to say yes.
The slip slid down her smooth body and revealed her breasts, small and pert. Her nipples were erect from nerves and the kiss of air. The light fabric went past her black lingerie to the high heels and she kicked it off. Then she removed her final defense: her g-string. She left her high heels on. Jade was naked before a stranger, wondering how this could possibly be safe.
What she was told the day she went to the hotel for the interview now meant nothing as she stood exposed and alone. “They cannot touch you,” Caroline, the interviewer, had insisted as she leaned forward. “You can only touch them. You are the one in control the whole time. You decide what happens.” She’d pushed the card across the table. “Call me when you’re ready.” The interviewer was smart; that promise of control wasn’t forgotten.
Three days later when the job was accepted, Caroline sounded like an old friend on the phone, but when Jade stood in that room, she had no idea where the woman was.
The client looked her over, and Jade considered running out and never coming back to this place. But where would she go? Home to her house on that horrible street?
Colin’s face kept her in the room as her client climbed onto the table and lay on his stomach, his hands straight by his sides. She stood over his body. The need to escape from her suburban life, where she no longer belonged, made her lift the massage oil.
She poured too much. Within seconds, the client’s body was covered in oil and she slid her hands up and down without direction. She stretched her arms so her body was too far for him to reach and all she kept thinking of was his penis. She would have to touch it. She didn’t know how she could.
Then he made his request. “I want to ask you something, please.”
She nodded. Her voice was gone, tied within the knot in her stomach.
“Can I lick you?”
He turned around and sat up. “Will you lie down and let me lick you? I promise I won’t do anything else.”
She wanted to laugh and say, Oh, is that all? Okay, then. Instead, she shook her head. “It’s not allowed.”
“I won’t tell anyone. Just five minutes. It’ll feel good.”
“Why would you want to?” After two years without her husband’s touches, she couldn’t understand how a stranger would want to do that. She’d forgotten what it was like to get lost in the feel of a tongue.
“My wife won’t let me do it to her, and I miss it.”
Jade stiffened. Did his wife know her husband was here, being touched by another woman? She imagined lying down on the table and letting him move between her legs and the betrayal in it, and tried to hide her distaste under a shaky smile.
“She hasn’t let me touch her in a very long time. I wouldn’t have an affair and I don’t want sex with anyone else, but sometimes…” He faltered and she felt the tickle of his gaze between her legs. “I go to places like this because I want to be touched.”
Were his needs any different from hers? She was here because she was looking for something, if only appreciative glances and a feeling of being desired. He paid, and she took the money. She couldn’t hate him.
Jade imagined letting herself go with the pleasure of soft wetness caressing her and was shocked she even considered it. In her seconds of silence, he had attained an expression of hope. He touched his erect cock.
“I understand but still I can’t let you.”
He took a deep breath. “It was worth a try.” She wondered what else he would’ve tried and how much truth lay behind his story of an estranged wife.
Her deliberation was lost in the next second when he lay on his back and her eyes fell on his erection. She couldn’t breathe as she unceremoniously grabbed his penis and pulled.
The client jumped off the table. “What are you doing?” He moved his hand to where she had just touched. “Fuck!”
“I’m sorry. It’s my first time.”
“I want another girl.”
She nodded and tried not to cry.
“What are you waiting for?” he shouted.
Jade dressed quickly and ran to the office. She stumbled into Sasha, her body full of the tremors she tried to keep inside. “He wants another girl.”
“You were only in there ten minutes.”
She couldn’t believe it. Only ten minutes? How could she do this? She was still standing there with her arms around herself when Sasha went to get Arlene.
* * * *
The smell of air freshener hung in the air. Jade’s skin was bare under skimpy lingerie. The high heels added to her feeling of looseness.
Jade crossed her legs and, for the first time in an age, appreciated their length and form, though they still shook from nerves and the frightening experience. She could smell the client’s sour sweat moving easily through the sprayed smell of the parlor. The grease from the massage oil lingered on her hands and made them slip off her knee.
Once the unsatisfied client was taken care of, Sasha found Jade in the living room on the couch. “The first time is always scary.”
Jade looked at her and tried to smile, but couldn’t.
“It’s my fault. I should’ve made sure you knew what to do. I’m sorry.”
Jade appreciated Sasha’s attempt to make her feel better but only wanted to stay in her tight parcel of legs and arms, where her voice was also lost, hiding within the pit of her stomach.
“Have you met Jasmine?”
She had briefly, yesterday. Jasmine had come in as Jade was leaving. She was Chinese and very beautiful, with long black silky hair, wide dark eyes and a lovely mouth. She swayed to her own humming as she put on makeup. When her slender figure was covered by a short lace dress, she danced around the room, hardly conscious of the girls watching her. The sitting room became her stage and Jade had stood with her bag on her back, unable to pull her eyes away for what seemed a long time until the doorbell rang and broke her trance.
“She’s coming in early to show you the ropes. She’s on nights all the time, so I thought it best if you got help from someone you don’t work with. It lessens rivalry.”
Jade managed to smile at this. She doubted Jasmine would ever feel threatened by her after what happened today.
* * * *
Jasmine arrived an hour later. On their way to the small massage room upstairs, she told Jade she always showered with the client at the beginning of their session. Jade had to resist the urge to run down the steps and leave. The idea of being in that small space with a man made her chest tighten.
Before Jasmine’s lesson, all Jade knew were the basic facts. After a client picks the girl, he is brought to a room, where he says how long he wants to stay. A half hour is sixty dollars, an hour is a hundred and so on. The girl gets the money and gives it to Sasha. At the end of the night, half of everything each girl earns is given back.
While the client showered, some girls took the chance to have a few puffs of a cigarette or finish a conversation. Jasmine jumped in with her client, and after he came in her hands, she’d shower with him again to make sure he would return. She saw Jade’s surprise and shrugged. “It makes them happy when you make an extra effort.”
“I’m sure it does.” Jade imagined Jasmine’s naked skin against her client as the water ran over them, and doubted she had to worry about her clients returning for seconds.
Once inside the darkened massage room, Jasmine started to show Jade how to touch a man. In her flowered lingerie and high heels, she stood at the side of the table and starting with his imaginary shoulders, she worked her way down his back. She slid her hands to his waist and put them on either side of the table. Jade saw Jasmine caress his sides.
“I spend ages on their asses.” Jasmine rubbed the space where his buttocks would have been then brought her hands together. “They love getting their balls teased.” She kneaded the air. “Their waists usually rise at this point to accommodate their erections.”
A knock on the door made Jasmine stand and turn. When it opened to Sasha, Jade’s stomach lurched. The manageress’s smile let her know something was up. “We’re in luck, girls. Hideki is here. He doesn’t mind Jade watching as long as she’s naked.”
Jasmine smiled. Her eyes twinkled when she looked at Jade. “He’s my oldest regular. The poor man is in love.”
Sasha’s laughed. “That’s for sure. He wants an hour, Jasmine.”
“How did he know I was here?” Jasmine smiled. “You told him?”
“He wanted me to. Couldn’t stand the idea of missing an opportunity. I’ll send him up.” Then Sasha was gone.
When Jasmine looked at Jade again, her laugh was sweet. “Don’t look so worried. All you have to do is sit and watch. I’ll do the rest.”
A middle-aged man with dark, lank hair lying flat on his head came to the door. Jasmine was beside him straight away. He was only a few inches taller than her. She moved just as she had danced the day before, her body like a leaf on a breeze, and entwined her hand in his. The moment a client looked at her, Jasmine seemed to forget everything else. Jade could tell she loved the attention and noticed the way this client—Hideki—stood taller in her grasp. Hideki’s shoulders moved back, and his smile made the brown eyes behind his gray glasses shine. With Jasmine beside him, he seemed much more certain of himself.
When they came back from showering together, Jade stood by the door, waiting for instructions. Hideki had a towel wrapped around his waist. He nodded to Jasmine. Jade tried to hold back her surprise when Jasmine went to her and slid the thin strap off her shoulders. She pulled the fabric down, and Jade held her breath from the closeness of her. She expected to feel Jasmine’s breasts rubbing against her skin. Jasmine’s were small, but the areola and nipples were spectacular in their moist brightness. They took up the surface of her breasts and begged to be touched.
Hideki’s towel dropped to reveal his erection as he watched Jasmine kneel in front of Jade and pull her g-string down. Her breath fell on Jade’s sex, and Jade swallowed a lump in her throat.
Jasmine stood and gently eased Jade into the chair behind her. She glanced back at Hideki, who smiled. Then, like a falling feather, she skimmed Jade’s breast with her hand, which landed on Jade’s knee. With a gentle pressure, she separated Jade’s legs.
Jade was too surprised to resist, but by the time Hideki was lying on the massage table and Jasmine stood to caress his back, she had eased into the posture, reclining slightly on the chair with her legs parted to let in air and Hideki’s gaze.
She watched Jasmine touch his back. She moved her hands down to his buttocks, which he lifted. She caressed it in circles and then moved downward between his legs. Her fingers were a short breadth away from his balls. His body was slick with oil. She teased him. He raised his ass to her again, which made Jade think he would be impatient in bed, moving his penis for himself and not the woman.
She caressed the inside of his legs while she moved down the table. Once by his feet, she rubbed upward. She lifted her knee onto the table and the other one followed, so she kneeled by his toes.
Jade leaned forward in her chair, wondering what Jasmine was doing. As she felt the air move up her legs, Hideki smiled.
With her hands on Hideki’s legs, Jasmine slid upward so she sat between his thighs. One knee was near his balls and she brought her other knee to the edge of the table. She looked like a horse rider, only it was his leg she was resting on. Jasmine’s upper body lowered and arms went on either side of him.
Jasmine moved downward, her neck almost making contact with his buttocks, and rubbed her breasts on his ass. Then those wonderful nipples moved up his back. She angled herself to the right and her breasts caressed him in circles, and then she brought them to his other side. It was like watching a very sexy break dancer, connecting every part of her body with the naked man beneath her. Every now and again, she would bring her crotch back to his leg as she teased his balls. Jade wondered if Jasmine would be wet.
Jasmine couldn’t have seen Jade’s lips part. She seemed to be concentrating on the movement of her body until eventually she sat up. “Turn around, Hideki.” Her voice was silky smooth.
She rose slightly as he turned and then lowered herself on his leg. Her back arched. It was obvious she pressed down on him. She poured oil on his stomach. This simple gesture was erotic even before she leaned forward and rubbed his chest, his stomach and thighs.
His penis tightened—Jade could see it in the slight movement upward. Jasmine lowered her body, her slim ass up in the air. She held his penis and rubbed its tip on her nipples. Then she moved upward and slid on his chest, his penis squashed between their stomachs.
Hideki’s hands were on the table, lying on either side of her ass. Jade could see by the clenching fingers he wanted to touch Jasmine and wondered if he would’ve tried to hold her if there was no witness. Would he usually be able to feel the smooth silkiness of her skin and pretend they were fucking?
She saw Jasmine rub her breasts on his penis again and thought she could never do that, but she knew she had to. It was expected. “You touch them,” Caroline had told her, but she never said in what way.
Jasmine finished her slide and sat up. She wiggled her ass so Jade knew Hideki had to feel her ridges. Jade saw a hint of the smile Jasmine threw at Hideki as she moved her hands up his thighs to his penis. She started to stroke it with gentle ease at first then built up speed, though still taking her time. There was no urgency in her movements. Jasmine’s lips parted and she licked the lower one, leaving her mouth wet and sultry. She looked as if she enjoyed the feel of him.
She tightened her fingers around his erection and Hideki’s body tensed. His head moved back and his eyes closed as she went faster while her hips moved up and down his leg. He grasped the table when he came. His chest shuddered and his toes reached for the sky.
She didn’t release him, only slowed down. Little gasps came from him. Once he was still and silent, she moved her hands away, and with one easy movement she was off the table. She got tissues and cleaned his stomach as he lay with a grin on his face. Jasmine winked at Jade. Before she followed Hideki into the shower, she smiled and, with a flick of the wrist, said, “So that’s it,” as if she’d just taught how to bake apple pie. Then she left the room, leaving Jade to dress alone with shaky hands.
* * * *
Jade was even more scared after Jasmine’s alluring demonstration. The doorbell rang three more times but she refused to go. She told Sasha she was too nervous after the Italian, but it was Jasmine, with her easy swaying body, and the memory of her sliding up and down the naked man that threw her. The idea that the body slide was expected of her kept her rooted to the spot.
She was all hard corners and head. There was no easiness in her hands or body. She was nothing like the other girls. Take Arlene, who moved to Sydney with her father to leave a life of prostitution behind.
After Arlene’s session with Jade’s disgruntled client, she shared some of her life story with Jade. Arlene’s father had tried everything in Perth but could not get his daughter to settle down. At the tender age of fifteen, Arlene met her pimp. During the next six years, she never managed to leave him for long. She dabbled with drugs for a while but didn’t like them too much; they made her feel adrift from everything. It was her body she loved. Sex was her drug.
In Sydney, Arlene tried to start fresh. Her father had enrolled her in a computer course, which she found impossible. The inability to grasp the lessons made her feel small and inadequate so she gave up after the first week. She looked for work but the money she had earned from using her body made her laugh at minimum wage. Why bother?
So she came to the massage parlor. It was still a lot better than the life she left. She no longer spread her legs or took a penis in her mouth unless she wanted to. Her father still tried to get his daughter away from the industry completely. He always gave her brochures for different courses, but he had slept better in the three years in Sydney than he had in the ten before.
Jade appreciated Arlene’s attempt to help her relax by regaling her with tales about her youth, but it only made Jade feel more worried about working at the parlor. Arlene loved sex and her work while Jade felt too distant from her body and cringed with the idea of touching the men. Added to this was the fear of being a disappointment to the clients.
She didn’t know if she’d return to the Beauty Suite until Sarah arrived.
The moment Sarah walked into the living room with her long flowing skirt and tank top, Jade eased. There was a carefree excitement in the way Sarah looked around the room that told Jade this was new to her too. But while her job as a masseuse worried Jade, Sarah beamed with the idea of adventure.
When Sarah looked at her, there was recognition in her eyes. “You must be Jade, the other new girl.”
Jade nodded and managed to smile. Moments earlier, she would have thought even that small release impossible. “Yeah but I don’t know how long I’m going to last.”
She knew when Sarah landed beside her on the couch and took her hand as if she was an old friend that she had hoped for this attention. “You can’t go, we’ve just met.” Sarah grinned and Jade couldn’t help but mirror it.
Sarah’s real name was Julie. They told each other who they were straight away, because like Jade, Sarah’s other life trailed behind her. The names they used in the parlor represented parts of themselves they were trying to discover or understand.
Jade and Sarah were not there to pay the bills and survive. They did not decide to work at The Beauty Suite because they knew of nothing else to do. While Jade was doing it because she wanted to feel something again, Sarah wanted to learn about a part of her she never knew existed until recently.
Sarah was bubbly and full of energy, with curly blond hair and a body similar to Michele’s. She used to work in an office up until a few weeks ago. Her love affair with her boss made her leave and not for the reason Jade had first assumed. It was not because of awkwardness but rather her daily rendezvous with him on the top floor, which had been left half built and unoccupied, brought a sexual hunger she’d never known existed. Now she couldn’t get enough. She felt there was another person—Sarah, of course—trying to get through.
She told Jade that after her boss’s first glances toward her, she went to work in g-strings and see-through blouses. Within a few weeks, he called Sarah into his office and she sat on the chair opposite him with her legs crossed. When she uncrossed them, she made sure to do it slowly so he could see what lay between. She wanted him and he wanted her.
He’d pushed his seat back and she straightened, sure he was going to approach. She thought he mistook her body language and saw the stiffening as defense. He stopped. There was nothing to say. He had called her in on a pretense of something or other.
Sarah’s blue eyes danced as she told Jade when her boss said something about being satisfied at work, a window cleaner appeared in white overalls. Their building was in the prime area of Sydney and had windows to take in the view of the harbor. The cleaner saw Sarah and raised his eyebrows. She smiled and, without questioning the heat she felt with the idea of being watched, she rose.
“Are you satisfied though?” she had asked her boss. She was acting, and never knew until then how good she was.
Her boss had smiled as she approached. He moved his hands to the arms of his chair but, with a hand on his chest, she kept him still and managed to move the chair so her voyeur had a perfect view. She opened his trouser button, and her boss sucked in his stomach as she brought his zipper down. He clutched the seat and raised his ass so she could pull his pants down enough to release his erect penis.
Sarah couldn’t believe what that man outside the window had propelled her to do. She lowered her lips to the tip of her boss’ cock and she licked it in soft circles before she opened her mouth to take him in. Her breasts rubbed against his thigh and imagining the watcher’s gaze going from her mouth to ass made her hot and wet. She pictured the other man taking her from behind as she sucked, and knew the window cleaner had his hand in his overalls.
She tasted every inch of her boss. When she felt him tense, she rose to pull her skirt up to her waist. She moved her panties sideways with her fingers, and her boss touched her pussy, merely skimming her pubis before retreating, as if afraid she would disappear in a puff of smoke should he do anything wrong.
Sarah sat on his cock and arched backward, her eyes falling on the window cleaner as she swayed. Her moans mixed with the movement of her voyeur’s arm as her boss moved his hands to her breasts then down to her thighs. Her boss groaned before she felt the heat of his cum shoot inside her. She swayed and felt the tremble in her stomach, opening her mouth in a gasp as she shuddered. He smiled, keeping her on his cock as it grew limp and he stroked her erect nipples until his penis slid out. That was the beginning of their affair.
Her boss wouldn’t take the chance of doing it in the office again, so he and Sarah had become bold, meeting upstairs at lunch time. It was not him she sought, not his face, hands or body, but the desire to be filled. She woke every morning thinking of one thing and had to touch herself in bed. She re-lived the feeling of the cleaner’s eyes on her and imagined him climbing through the opened windows with his thick erection in her hands. She would touch her already wet crotch as she imagined him grabbing her from behind.
After months of her growing sexual appetite, Sarah knew she couldn’t go on as she had, so she went on a tour of full-service parlors. She was brought down dimly lit stairs to shady rooms, where she imagined lying back like a dummy. She would have no say there. The men would use her then throw her away. It did not excite her.
When she discovered massage parlors, she knew what she wanted. She wanted to be watched, to bring a man to bursting point and have the power to step back. She realized it was her own body she had fallen in love with by seeing it through another’s eyes on those dusky afternoons. She had made a play of leaning against walls, bringing her skirt up and teasing her boss by rubbing herself. It was this she loved more than his taking of her. She had awoken to herself.
Sarah made Jade forget her misgivings. Those moments of standing alone and naked with a strange man were erased by the excited chatter. Sarah was so alive. They were so different in their manner yet the lives they had lived up to this were similar.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Sarah told her, and Jade pictured bringing Sarah home to Colin and the sly glances between them. He would watch her with hungry eyes, she had no doubt. Sarah left men with little choice.