Читать книгу No Place To Run - Marion Faith Laird - Страница 10
ОглавлениеSpecial thanks to my friend Anne, who introduced me to Love Inspired books back when they were Steeple Hill. I believe I can safely say that if it wasn’t for her, this book wouldn’t have been written. She’ll always have a special place in our hearts’ albums.
I’m indebted to the generous writers who helped me fine-tune my first chapter and cover blurb entry in Mills & Boon’s annual So You Think You Can Write contest, especially Laura Hamby, Valerie Parv, Rachel J. Stevens and Kathi Robb Harris. I also thank Danica Favorite, who assured me that the editors would contact anyone whose work they wanted to see, even if the manuscript didn’t make it past the first round of voting. Many thanks to Tina James, who requested the full manuscript and a synopsis, Lynette Eason, who helped me improve my synopsis, and to Elizabeth Mazer, my editor, who called and bought the book! Through the revision process, she’s helped make it so much better than it was in its beginning!
Thanks also to Cheryl Wyatt. I’ve started many a story from her writing challenges (although not this one). I also appreciate the writing challenges on the Community Boards at Mills & Boon, and the interactive novel writing at PanHistoria.com. It’s been said it takes a village to raise a child. I’m beginning to think it takes a village to nurture a writer! Many thanks to all my “villages,” and to more of my “villagers,” (in alphabetical order) Diana Cosby, Margaret Daley, Nell Dixon, Rachelle McCalla, Shirlee McCoy, Camy Tang and Janet Tronstad.