Читать книгу No Place To Run - Marion Faith Laird - Страница 3


Lorie’s cell phone rang.

Lorie checked the display, then looked at Matt. “I don’t know who this is.”

Matt flipped open the phone and hit the answer button, putting it on speaker.

“You have been a very naughty girl, haven’t you, going to the law like that. Shame on you.” The robot-processed voice was back.

Lorie turned pale. Matt put a finger to his lips.

“But then you know that, don’t you? I’m surprised at you, trusting a deputy. When he finds out the truth, you’ll finally be accountable.”

Combined with the call Gerhardt had fielded, all Matt’s dark suspicions came flooding back. Was she responsible for more than justifiable homicide? Lorie’s expression held no hint of guilt, just confusion and fear.

“Why are you tormenting me?” Lorie demanded. “What did I ever do to you?”

“Why, you killed Grayson, of course. You have to be punished for that, since the court let you go. You’ll finally get what you deserve. I hope your life insurance is up-to-date.”

No Place To Run

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