Читать книгу THE LIFEBOAT STRATEGY - Mark Nestmann - Страница 23

It’s Easy to Find Out Where You Live


The consequences of having the wrong person know where you live can be dangerous. Even if you have no enemies now, there are many ways you could become the target of another person’s anger, jealousy, or greed.

There are many ways to find out where you live. If you home in your own name, anyone with an Internet connection can find you through online real estate ownership records. If you have utility service in your own name, or receive correspondence at your residential address, a stalker or investigator can impersonate you and find where you live. The stalker will use your name and ask for service at your residence. The customer service agent may then ask something like, “Will that be at 123 Oak Street?”

Your residential address may probably also be on file in your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles and on its list of registered voters. If you disclose your home phone number, it’s easy to use a reverse directory to look up the address.

No matter how your address is obtained, a service like Mapquest.com makes it easy for a burglar or stalker to print a map and even instructions on how to find your home.


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