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with deep regret


Mr & Mrs Arthur Wilbraham,

No. 247, Gouger Street,

City of Adelaide,

Colony of South Australia.

20th day of October, 1876.

Dear Mr & Mrs Wilbraham,

It is with deep regret that I must inform you that your son, Arthur Wilbraham, has been dismissed from his service with the Queensland Native Police Force. Having left his post without leave, a warrant has been issued by the Bench in Rockhampton for his arrest on the charge of Desertion.

I have enclosed herewith the personal effects left by your son at the Mistake Creek Barracks of the Native Police at Dittley, nr Clermont township in this Colony. Your son's effects, found in his Police Force saddlebag, include: pages from a personal diary, numbers of press clippings, a map and various other ephemera, including a Bible – all torn and in disarray. These papers are the full extent of personal possessions left by him at the Barracks.

I wish I could offer more information regarding the whereabouts of your son rather than offering my concern for his safety.

It is my opinion that Arthur will do all right if he stays away from the blacks. His bushcraft is quite adequate to that task.

Should you wish to enquire further into this matter I suggest you direct your correspondence to the Commissioner of Police for this Colony, in Brisbane, or the Supreme Court of Queensland, Rockhampton Azzize, also located in the former city.

I remain yr Humble Servant

Lieutenant George Murray,

Queensland Native Police,

Rockhampton Barracks,


Colony of Queensland.

Poison Under Their Lips

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