Читать книгу Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training for Women - Mark Vella - Страница 8





Building a better you

Anatomical definitions and terminology

Exercise analyses and principles

Devising a programme

Exercise programmes



1. Aerobic Training


Jogging and running


Swimming and aqua-aerobics

Aerobic machines

2. Abdominals, Stabilization and Balance

Posture basics

Seated ball balance

Transverse activation in four-point kneeling

Plank pose stabilization on ball

Shell prone ball roll-up

Abdominal stabilization programme

Two-stage crunch

Reverse incline bench sit-up

Body-weight oblique crunch – ball between legs

Combination crunch

Hip flexor apparatus

Mid-back scapular stabilization on bench

Kneeling heel touch

3. Chest

Body-weight modified push-ups

Wall push-ups on bar

Bench press machine

Incline dumb-bell bench press

Barbell bench press

Body-weight dips

Incline pec deck machine

Dumb-bell flat bench flyes

Cable cross-over

4. Legs and Hips

Squats with ball between legs

Freestanding barbell plié squats

Freestanding barbell squats

Machine incline leg press

Barbell reverse lunge

Freestanding lateral lunge

Bench step

Modified barbell bent leg deadlift

Double leg bridge with shoulder flexion

Ball bridge

Side-lying ball lift

Hip abductor machine

Hip adductor machine

Supine adductor stabilization with ball

Cable hip abductions

Prone hip extensions

Machine lying leg curl

Seesaw with ball

Yoga quad stretch with forward lean

Freestanding calf raise

Seated calf raise machine

5. Back and Shoulders

Machine cable front lateral pull-down

Chin-up assist machine

Standing cable pull-over

Standing reverse grip cable rows

Seated low cable pulley rows

Supported bent-over row machine

Dumb-bell bent-over rows

Prone back extension on ball

Back extension apparatus

Alternate arm and leg raises on ball

Machine shoulder press

Dumb-bell seated shoulder press

Dumb-bell standing lateral raise

Rear deltoid machine

Seated bent-over dumb-bell raises on ball

Rotator cuff stabilization with theraband

6. Arms

Seated overhead tricep extension on ball with theraband

Supine barbell French curl

Tricep machine

Cable tricep push-down

Tricep rope pull-down

Standing barbell curl

Seated incline dumb-bell curl with supination

Dumb-bell concentration curl

7. Stretches and Flexibility

Neck and shoulder stretch

Standing chest and anterior shoulder stretch

Ball shoulder stretch

Seated side stretch on ball

Full-body stretch

Supine hip flexion stretch

Spine roll

Side-to-side hip rolls

Supine lying gluteus stretch

Supine lying single leg hamstring stretch

Seated stride into saw stretch

Supine lying deep external rotators stretch

Standing iliopsoas stretch

Gastrocnemius stretch

Plank to downward-facing dog

Child stretch




Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training for Women

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