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Notes and References


We give below some of the important milestones in the history of modern robotics.

 1947 — The first servoed electric powered teleoperator is developed.

 1948 — A teleoperator is developed incorporating force feedback.

 1949 — Research on numerically controlled milling machine is initiated.

 1954 — George Devol designs the first programmable robot

 1956 — Joseph Engelberger, a Columbia University physics student, buys the rights to Devol’s robot and founds the Unimation Company.

 1961 — The first Unimate robot is installed in a Trenton, New Jersey plant of General Motors to tend a die casting machine.

 1961 — The first robot incorporating force feedback is developed.

 1963 — The first robot vision system is developed.

 1971 — The Stanford Arm is developed at Stanford University.

 1973 — The first robot programming language (WAVE) is developed at Stanford.

 1974 — Cincinnati Milacron introduced the T3 robot with computer control.

 1975 — Unimation Inc. registers its first financial profit.

 1976 — The Remote Center Compliance (RCC) device for part insertion in assembly is developed at Draper Labs in Boston.

 1976 — Robot arms are used on the Viking I and II space probes and land on Mars.

 1978 — Unimation introduces the PUMA robot, based on designs from a General Motors study.

 1979 — The SCARA robot design is introduced in Japan.

 1981 — The first direct-drive robot is developed at Carnegie-Mellon University.

 1982 — Fanuc of Japan and General Motors form GM Fanuc to market robots in North America.

 1983 — Adept Technology is founded and successfully markets the direct-drive robot.

 1986 — The underwater robot, Jason, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, explores the wreck of the Titanic, found a year earlier by Dr. Robert Barnard.

 1988 — Stäubli Group purchases Unimation from Westinghouse.

 1988 — The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society is formed.

 1993 — The experimental robot, ROTEX, of the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) was flown aboard the space shuttle Columbia and performed a variety of tasks under both teleoperated and sensor-based offline programmed modes.

 1996 — Honda unveils its Humanoid robot; a project begun in secret in 1986.

 1997 — The first robot soccer competition, RoboCup-97, is held in Nagoya, Japan and draws 40 teams from around the world.

 1997 — The Sojourner mobile robot travels to Mars aboard NASA’s Mars PathFinder mission.

 2001 — Sony begins to mass produce the first household robot, a robot dog named Aibo.

 2001 — The Space Station Remote Manipulation System (SSRMS) is launched in space on board the space shuttle Endeavor to facilitate continued construction of the space station.

 2001 — The first telesurgery is performed when surgeons in New York perform a laparoscopic gall bladder removal on a woman in Strasbourg, France.

 2001 — Robots are used to search for victims at the World Trade Center site after the September 11th tragedy.

 2002 — Honda’s Humanoid Robot ASIMO rings the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange on February 15th.

 2004 — The Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity both landed on the surface of Mars in January of this year. Both rovers far outlived their planned missions of 90 Martian days. Spirit was active until 2010 and Opportunity stayed active until 2018, and holds the record for having driven farther than any off-Earth vehicle in history.

 2005 — ROKVISS (Robotic Component Verification on board the International Space Station), the experimental teleoperated arm built by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), undergoes its first tests in space.

 2005 — Boston Dynamics releases the quadrupedal robot Big Dog.

 2007 — Willow Garage develops the Robot Operating System (ROS).

 2011 — Robonaut 2 was launched to the International Space Station.

 2017 — A robot called Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship, becoming the first robot ever to have a nationality.

Robot Modeling and Control

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