Читать книгу Android Smartphones For Seniors For Dummies - Marsha Collier - Страница 20

So Many Choices!


Many companies make Android phones, and each one works hard to put its own spin on the device. Or not. A Google Pixel phone is pure Android. For those who remember the Blackberry, I’ve even heard rumors that a new Blackberry model based on Android is coming out!

The additions that manufacturers put on their devices become Android combined operating systems, or skins, as software overlays that deliver the interface design of the phone. A lot of extra software can be piled on a phone this way. I remember being given a popular brand’s phone to review, and I couldn’t get past the complexity of the skin. Screen shots in this book illustrate that similar screens can look different between phones because each manufacturer’s device has its own skin design. You’ll notice that even Android icons may appear in circles or squares and are modified ever so slightly.

Android skin customizations offer the user an enhanced experience. Its up to you to decide which one works best in your day-to-day phone use.

Just as Android names each version of the software, it’s probably no surprise (because branding is important to manufacturers) that each OS skin has its own name: OncPlus = OxygenOS, Samsung = One UI, Xiaomi = MIUI, Oppo = ColorOS.

Note: You receive separate updates on your phone for security, the Android operating system, and the manufacturer’s operating system.

Android Smartphones For Seniors For Dummies

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