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Tech support options


In Chapter 2, you find out about buying a phone, but know that you don’t have to buy from the cellular carrier. You can buy direct. Because both the manufacturer and carrier are intertwined with your phone, you might receive better tech support by contacting the manufacturer.

In Table 1-1, I give you tech support contact information for the major phone manufacturers. I have added a Twitter handle for brands that have a dedicated tech support Twitter account. Reaching brands via social media can be the fastest way to find service.

Yes, efficient service can happen! On a personal note, I can attest to reaching Samsung support on Twitter (some years ago). Even though my device was out of warranty and the problem was caused by my own idiocy (I put the phone on a counter and spilled a cleaning solution which saturated my phone), I told them I’d pay for the repair. They asked that I mail in my phone, and I was able to track the repair progress on the online portal. The process was super efficient, and my phone was returned to me quickly.

TABLE 1-1 Customer Service Contact Info for Android Phone Manufacturers

Manufacturer Twitter Handle Link Phone
Huawei https://consumer.huawei.com/us (888) 548-2934
Lenovo @LenovoSupport https://support.lenovo.com/ (866) 426-0911
LG @LGUSSupport https://www.lg.com/us/mobile (800) 243-0000
Motorola @Moto_Support https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/mcp/contactus (800) 734-5870
OnePlus @OnePlus_Support https://www.oneplus.com/support (833) 777-3633
Oppo @OPPOCareGlobal https://support.oppo.com/en (800) 103-2777
Pixel @Google https://support.google.com/pixelphone
Samsung @SamsungSupport https://www.samsung.com/us/support Text HELP to 62913
TCL @TCL_USA https://support.tcl.com (855) 224-4228
Xiaomi https://www.mi.com/global (833)-942-6648
ZTE https://ztedevices.com/en-gl/support-center (877) 817-1759
Android Smartphones For Seniors For Dummies

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