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Chapter 4

“Oh...Griffin,” Felicia moaned.

“You like that, baby?” Griffin whispered in Felicia’s ear.

“Yes, Griffin...oh, yes!”

Griffin slid his lips along the side of Felicia’s neck, stopping long enough to kiss her left shoulder. He raised his head, buried his hands in her hair and captured her mouth in a gluttonous kiss.

“You’ve...kept me...waiting,” Felicia managed to say between each sensual kiss.

“Our wait is over,” he declared.

Suddenly they were both naked and Griffin’s tongue exploration of Felicia’s body had her reaching for Griffin’s engorged and throbbing sex...

* * *

The sound of the opening door brought Griffin out of his sexy daydream, a fantasy he couldn’t seem to shake, and he was very thankful the newspaper he’d been reading was strategically placed across his lap. It could be a very embarrassing moment for both him and whoever was entering the room.

Mel walked into the lounge. “Dude, you do have an office, you know.”

“I know, and everyone knows where it is, too,” he replied, keeping his eyes closed.

Mel dropped down in the leather seat across from Griffin. “So you’re hiding out in the executive doctors’ lounge.” He checked his watch. “You’ve been out of surgery for a couple of hours now.”

“Seeing how I’m stretched out in the middle of the room, I’m not exactly hiding, now, am I?” His tone was full of sarcasm.

“Who’s a cranky bastard?” Mel said, laughing. “Why don’t you just go home?”

Griffin sighed, opened his eyes and glared at his friend. “If you must know, smart-ass, Bishop asked me to take his last two hours of call time. It’s his anniversary and he needed to take off early.”

“What? Our newly appointed chief—head of the cardiac gods—taking one of his junior doctor’s on-call times? No wonder everyone thinks you’re some kind of saint.” Mel shook his head. “If they could only see how ruthless you are on the basketball court.”

“And why are you still here?” Griffin asked, sitting up, planting his feet on the floor. “Your shift ended an hour ago.”

“I was chatting up that new, cute, redheaded nurse in Labor and Delivery. We’re going out this weekend. What about you? You and your old girl got plans?”

The corner of Griffin’s mouth curved upward. “I don’t think Jia would appreciate being called old.”

“I’m sure, but I wasn’t referring to your family’s handpicked girlfriend,” he said.

“Then who—?”

“The woman from the airport,” Mel said, smiling and nodding.

Griffin rose and went to the refrigerator where he removed a vanilla and strawberry yogurt.

“Hand me one of those juice bottles while you’re in there.”

Griffin tossed him the drink. “Where are the plastic spoons?” he asked, pulling open drawers.

“Check that box on top of the refrigerator. Come on, man. Spill. What gives?” he asked, cracking the seal of his bottle.

Griffin returned to his spot on the sofa where he sat and stirred his yogurt. “She’s...complicated.”

“Hell, all women are complicated.” Mel took a swig of his drink.

“True, but Felicia’s—”

“Wait... Felicia, the one from medical school you told me about? The if only woman.”

“Yes, that’s the one.” Griffin tasted his yogurt.

“So what are you going to do?”

“There’s nothing to do. She’s only in town for the day. I don’t even know how to get in touch with her.” Griffin ate several more scoops of his yogurt.

“Really?” Mel pulled out his phone. “What’s her last name?”

“Blake. Why?” he asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

“I’m looking her up. You know there’s this new thing out there called the internet,” Mel said, tapping her name into his phone. “You can do some amazing things on it. You should give it a try sometime... Damn, she’s a fox and got a lot of awards and commendations, too. Oh, look, there’s a number for her company. I bet someone there can get a message to her.”

“I’m sure.” Griffin tossed his empty container and spoon in the trash. “But did you forget the fact that I told you she works for the government on the other side of the world?”


Griffin stood. “I’m going to go round Bishop’s patients and then I’m heading out.”

“And?” Mel echoed.

“And...me and Felicia? Our time has passed.” Between Valerie’s warning back in medical school and Felicia blowing him off at the airport, he could take a hint. Griffin walked out the door.

* * *

Felicia sat in the back of the limousine with her hands intertwined in her lap. Her whole body was tense and she felt as though her insides were raging and at war. Felicia took a deep breath in an effort to calm herself. They passed several large, immaculately kept homes before turning onto a private street where they traveled an additional few miles before pulling into a circular driveway of what could only be described as a mini mansion.

“Oh, my, what a beautiful home.” The two-story, gray-and-white house with large windows screamed elegance.

“Yes, Valerie had excellent taste,” John said, the sadness in his voice hard to miss. “There is a five-car garage out back with three cars and a couple of jet skis she takes out on Lake Lanier. Valerie liked her toys.” That thought made him smile.

“And this house belongs to Valerie?”

“To you and Alyia now. It’s totally up to you to do with as you see fit.” John handed her a set of keys. The limo came to a halt as Felicia stared down at the keys.

Within seconds, the door was opened. “Shall we?” John offered his hand.

Felicia gave her head a small shake. “Yes, of course.” She exited the limo and walked toward a set of wide, white wooden steps that led to a large porch and a white wooden door.

John reached for the door handle and slowly turned it.

“It’s open?” Felicia asked, her eyebrows knitting together.

“I texted Ms. Lewis and asked her to unlock it a few minutes ago. Just as we turned onto the street. I figured you’d need a minute before seeing Alyia.”

“Oh... You’re right, thanks.”

The two entered the house and were greeted by a beautiful foyer with white marble floors as far as she could see. To the left of the entrance was a formal dining room with a twelve-seat, wood and steel table. To the right was a formal living room area with expensive paintings on the walls and contemporary furnishings.

They passed the two rooms and the large marble staircase, into a large open-concept family room. The hardwood floors were covered in beautiful, colored Oriental rugs beneath a half-moon, white-leather sofa with matching chairs. The room was second in beauty to the breathtaking view of the outdoor entertainment area that sat in front of a black-bottomed pool. The place was cold but beautiful, a showcase of wealth with no real signs of life.

“Wow, this place really is something else.”

“Wait until you see the rest of it. Upstairs in Alyia’s nursery is a sight to behold,” John said.

“I’m sure it is, but that can wait,” Felicia insisted. “Where is she?”

“I’ll go—”

“No need. Here we are,” a voice from behind Felicia replied.

Felicia’s heart skipped several beats and her breath caught in her throat. She wanted to turn and face the voice but her feet were bolted to the floor.

The other woman must have sensed her trepidation so she came around and faced Felicia. “Miss Blake, I’m so pleased to finally meet you. This is Alyia...your new daughter.”

Felicia never even saw the woman’s face as her eyes collided with the child she held, a smaller version of a face she hadn’t seen in years...not until that morning at the airport. A face with a very unique eye color. Felicia felt drunk with emotion—fear, excitement and a sudden pull toward a child she didn’t even know.

“Ms. Lewis, this is Dr. Felicia Blake.” John formally introduced them.

John’s words broke through the haze of emotion she was feeling. “Hello, Ms. Lewis.”

“Please, call me Ellen. Why don’t we all have a seat?” she said, moving toward the sofa. “You look like you might fall.”

Felicia certainly didn’t want a repeat of what had happened in John’s office, so she quickly took the seat across from the woman carrying her child. Her child; Felicia still couldn’t wrap her head around that thought. John remained standing behind the sofa. Alyia sat on Ms. Ellen’s lap, chewing on her plastic rattle.

“Nell, our housekeeper, is upstairs, but she’ll be down in a few minutes. Do you want anything to drink?”

“No, thank you,” Felicia said, her eyes darting between the woman and the child she held.

“Ms. Lewis, Dr. Blake is—”

“Felicia...please, call me Felicia,” she directed both John and Ms. Ellen.

“Felicia has come for her daughter.”

“Well, of course she has.” She stood and handed a fidgeting Alyia to Felicia.

Felicia’s whole body shook as she took Alyia into her arms. The moment Ms. Ellen took a step back, Alyia let out a piercing cry. “You’re a doctor, for goodness’ sake. You can handle a crying baby,” she murmured to herself.

“She’s just going to have to get to know you,” John offered, giving Felicia a sympathetic smile.

“Yeah, get used to a woman she’s never seen in her little life before, who’s now in charge of her future. Her new mother.” Felicia stated as she continued to try to calm the crying baby. But Alyia twisted her body and cried even louder. Felicia felt like crying herself. This beautiful child, who was now in her care, was rejecting her. She clearly preferred her nanny and that hurt more than Felicia expected. “Why don’t you take her for now?” Felicia said to Ms. Ellen as she handed Alyia back to her. She obviously didn’t have the same calming touch on Griffin’s daughter as she’d once had on him. Felicia’s ability to bring Griffin back from frustrating or angry moments was a gift she’d once cherished and only hoped she would master with Alyia.

It was a difficult move to make, in spite of it being the right thing as Alyia stopped crying and clung to the older woman’s neck. Felicia was surprised how such a little move made by Alyia, someone she barely knew, a baby at that, could have such an impact on her. Exasperation and helplessness weren’t new to the research doctor; the sadness that now accompanied them was.

“If you need time to prepare to take custody—”

“That won’t be necessary,” she replied to John with a little more bite to her response than she’d expected. Felicia needed her family desperately. She turned to Ms. Ellen, who was now holding a sleepy Alyia over her shoulder. “Are you prepared to continue your role as Alyia’s nanny, even if that means leaving Atlanta?”

“Ms. Felicia, I’m a widow with three grown sons who aren’t married. So until they decide to give me grandchildren—” she kissed Alyia’s cheek “—I’m at this little angel’s disposal, no matter where it takes me.”

“Good. Please pack your things. We’re heading to Texas.”

Tempting The Heiress

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