Читать книгу Tempting The Heiress - Martha Kennerson - Страница 15


Chapter 6

Felicia spied a ladies’ lounge, extracted herself from her sister’s hold and weaved through the crowd. She was keeping her head lowered because the last thing she wanted was to be stopped in her current state. Entering the bright room, she spied a small, white sofa and matching round chairs. She took a seat on the sofa and crossed her arms and legs much like a pouting teenager.

Farrah wasn’t too far behind. “Really? Is this your plan? Hang out in the ladies’ room until the party’s over?” she asked, standing with her arms folded, staring down at her sister.

“No, only until the party gets started.” Felicia opened her clutch purse, pulled out her cell and checked the time. “It’s almost eight. We’ll only have to wait another fifteen minutes and then we’re out of here. The sooner I get back to the hotel and Alyia, the better.”

Felicia decided not to stay at the house Valerie had willed her and Alyia. Considering everything that happened, she felt it would be best if they made a clean break. Felicia decided to put the house up for sale and place the money in trust for Alyia.

Farrah let her arms fall to the sides and joined her sister on the sofa. “Look, sis, I understand your trepidation for handling things this way, but he’s left you no real choice.”

“I get that, but I don’t think this is the best way,” Felicia explained. The door opened and their attention shifted to two ladies making their way past the lounge area and into the stalls positioned behind the sitting room.

Farrah sighed. “All right, so what do you want to do?”

“I want to get the hell out of here and bring Fletcher in to help,” she said, her eyes widening and eyebrows rising.

Farrah’s eyebrows knit together. “Why Fletcher?”

“He did a great job checking into the attorney who sent me the letter that started this mess in the first place. Fletcher has always found creative ways to resolve our other family problems,” she said, giving her sister a smile and a playful nudge. “I’m sure this issue will be no problem. At least for him. He doesn’t have any messy emotions to contend with. Fletcher can track him down, break the news, and then the ball will be in his court.”

Fletcher Scott, a private detective turned lawyer, was the Blakes’ go-to person when it came to handling personal matters the family didn’t want their own company involved in.

“Okay, if that’s how you want to handle it, so be it.” Farrah got up and took a peek outside the door and the sound of live jazz music flowed in. “But by the amount of champagne and the musicians playing in the foyer, we could be here a while. It looks like we’ll be missing a great party and you know how I love a good party,” Felicia said, returning to her seat where she did a little shimmy.

The sisters laughed, but were interrupted when a pretty, tall woman with features that clearly indicated African-American and Asian heritage, wearing a low-cut, powder-blue, floor-length dress with her hair pulled into a tight bun, entered the lounge area. A petite older woman wearing a more conservative gown in a similar color entered right after. That woman’s almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones and fair coloring seemed familiar.

Both sisters offered the women a smile. The younger one nodded and stopped at the entrance of the sitting area while the older woman moved forward and extended her hand. “Dr. Felicia Blake,” she said, more of a statement than a question. The woman’s dark eyes darted between the sisters, clearly confused by the near-identical images before her.

Felicia and Farrah stood, and Felicia accepted the woman’s hand. “I’m Dr. Felicia Blake.”

“I’m Mrs. Lin Kaile, Dr. Griffin Kaile’s mother. We met briefly at Griffin’s graduation,” she explained, offering Felicia a quick shake with her fingers before dropping her hand as though she was afraid she would catch a disease.

“I remember. Nice to see you again,” Felicia replied, suddenly chilled by the woman’s icy tone and demeanor. As far as Felicia could remember, there had never been any exchange they’d had that warranted the woman’s dismissive behavior.

Mrs. Kaile beckoned the younger woman. “And this is my future daughter-in-law, Jia Richardson.” Felicia’s heart dropped at the introduction as Jia quickly joined the older woman’s side, murmuring something insulting in Mandarin.

Felicia responded to the young woman in the same language, letting them know that she did not appreciate her making such a derogatory statement about her and her sister—that they were like puff pastries, pretty but no substance. She didn’t even know them.

Both women turned their glares toward Felicia, who met theirs head-on. Farrah offered her sister a proud smile but remained silent.

Mrs. Kaile broke the silence. “You speak Mandarin?” she asked, leveling an inquisitive stare at Felicia.

“We speak several languages,” Felicia replied, smiling at the woman’s obvious discomfort.

“I must remember that,” Mrs. Kaile responded with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, offering Felicia a tight smile before turning her attention toward Farrah. “Do you speak Mandarin, as well?”

“No, unfortunately I haven’t mastered that language yet, but I’m learning. Felicia’s an excellent teacher.”

Mrs. Kaile’s eyes landed on Felicia’s face. “You know our language well enough to teach it. I’m impressed,” she replied, her face sending a slightly different message, this one of undisguised disapproval.

“If I may ask, why did you say you’re not her daughter-in-law yet?” Felicia said, putting her focus on Jia.

Before Jia could respond, a trio of women entered the lounge area, but before proceeding any further, they swept a gaze across the others, then made a hasty retreat.

“They’re announcing their engagement tonight,” Mrs. Kaile clarified. “After we celebrate my Griffin’s accomplishments, of course. After all, tonight’s all about my son.”

Butterflies started making their way to Felicia’s throat, preparing to make their exit. While the other women may have missed the change in Felicia’s demeanor, Farrah clearly did not. “Congratulations. We wish you well,” Farrah said, covering for her twin’s lapse.

“Yes...congratulations,” Felicia managed to force past her lips.

“So you can imagine my surprise when I saw your name on the final guest list, especially since no one in the family invited you,” Mrs. Kaile informed her, tightening her grip on the purse she held as if expecting someone to make a grab for it.

Farrah tilted her head slightly. “Yet we were invited and under the impression that this celebration was also a charity event...a fund-raiser for a hospital.”

Mrs. Kaile raised her chin slightly. “Yes, of course, Dr. Barry’s welcome guest. He’s a client of yours, I understand,” she said, her lip curving upward slightly.

“He’s a family friend,” Farrah corrected. “Now, if he were a client, I wouldn’t be able to share that information with you. But I’m sure you understand, being the daughter and mother of doctors.”

Really, Farrah? Why don’t you just tell the woman you investigated every aspect of Griffin’s life, including his parents?

The older woman smiled and then dropped it as quickly as it appeared. Her eyes narrowed on Farrah. “You do know quite a bit.”

“You have no idea,” Farrah said, smiling.

Felicia moved a few inches closer to her sister, saying, “My sister’s not only our company’s chief legal counsel, she’s an excellent investigator,” she affirmed. The last thing Felicia wanted was for Farrah to start crossing swords with Griffin’s mother and Alyia’s grandmother. Especially since they would still have to meet with Griffin at some point and it wouldn’t do for there to be bad blood between their families.

“Mother Lin, we should return,” Jia said, checking her watch. “It’s time to open the doors.”

There was a slight pause as the petite woman took in those words. “You’re right, my dear. We mustn’t keep everyone waiting.” Mrs. Kaile gave the sisters a small nod and turned to leave only to turn back to say, “Enjoy yourselves tonight. It’s going to be a wonderful evening for Jia and my Griffin.”


“We wouldn’t want to be anyplace else tonight,” Felicia supplied.

Farrah plastered on a tight smile as she watched both ladies take their leave. They hadn’t cleared the area before she whirled to face her sister.

“What changed your mind? I thought you wanted Fletcher to handle things?”

“I do... I did... I mean, I do,” Felicia said, frowning.

Farrah laughed. “I think you’re right to stay...handle this yourself. Would you want to marry someone without all the facts?”

Felicia dropped down on the sofa, really wishing she could have avoided Griffin’s mother and made a faster exit than those women moments before that heated exchange ended. She never understood why Griffin’s mother disliked her. “My business is none of hers...not yet, anyway,” she declared.

“I’m not talking about her and you know it.” Farrah stood with her right hand on her hip.

Tempting The Heiress

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