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To the One who saw fit to make me a mother six times over,

To my heavenly mother, Our Lady of Childbirth,

To my earthly mother, who still bears the scar on her womb from the sacrifice she made for me,

To my husband, who has offered himself to me in every conception, pregnancy, and birth; who lays himself down every day, striving to be worthy of the call; and whom I often don’t deserve,

To John Paul, Michael, David, Luke, and Benedict, for allowing me the undeserved privilege of motherhood,

To my Joseph Mary, whom I pray to meet in eternity and who showed me to the core of my being the worth of every single baby and every single moment,

To the ones who were with me and supported me during my own births, To my sisters in heaven who have seen this project through, Thank you.

Of course, my gratitude also to the many women who have given me the honor of sharing in their births as they welcome their babies into the world. My special thanks also to the women who were willing to share their stories in this book: Amanda D., Amanda P., Amelia, Angie, April, Bridget, Carolyn, Carrie, Cherie, Christina, Christy, Colleen, Dwija, Erin, Ginny, Haley, Janelle, Jennifer, Jill, Katie, Kendra, Lauren, Lindsay, Lisa, Lydia, Madeline, Mandi, Marchelle, Margaret, Mary, Megan, Melody, Micaela, Molly, Nancy, Nell, Nicole, Shannon, Teresa, and Theresa (and John and Greg, too!). May God bless you for blessing others with your stories.

Made for This

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