Читать книгу Bigger Brother - Matthew Vandenberg - Страница 5
Оглавление'Release,' a voice says: the mysterious speaker of the house.
Matt and Sayuri look up and, incidentally, unbeknown to the two, at their fans.
'Release of insulin into the bloodstream should be celebrated, rather than the release of a new clothing line,' the voice continues. 'Imagine watching people make their own clothes, and manufacturer insulin. Imagine losing weight by losing clothes as much as sugar. Full transparency [4.] is necessary. That's why - if this house is a factory in Ethiopia [3.] - people are paying attention. Imagine teaching Ethiopians how to produce insulin. Why can't objects of desire be regulatory bodies for the independent production of insulin? Empower!'
'You want us to manufacturer insulin?' Matt asks.
'I'm not taking off my clo's*,' Sayuri says.
'Not at all,' the voice says. 'Clothes are necessary as banners, and insulin can come from pigs and cows. But human insulin is arguably better because it's cheaper [1.] [5.] and better absorbed into the human body [6.]. In short, you will all be ovo-lacto vegetarians while in the house. We need more suitable insulin [2.] in the world.'
'Japanese people eat fish,' Sayuri says. 'And I s'ink s'at is good for insulin levels. I demand a l'efe'lendum! Or at least to be a conscientious objector.'
'Objection noted,' the voice says. 'Let's do drugs properly then. Research is warranted. Like industrial action on many levels, whether or not we're all working hard for some company. Hugs!'
A small kitchen seemingly rears its comfortably full head thanks to lights on end, but this dragon of sorts is hard to define: kitchen meets lab so we can really take a good look at what one eats, right?
'It's not like the person who produces the most insulin will win this game, but the person who wins this game will produce the most insulin in the house,' the voice states. 'Because they will have been here the longest. There will be no consumption of red meats [7.], organ meats [7.], and full-fat dairy [7.], but you'll make it out of here really alive to new ideas for your technical age.'
'If the women of the house properly make their own food, does that mean they'll use milk from their breasts?' Matt asks.
'S'air food, NOT yours!' Sayuri adds.
'Share?' Matt asks.
'S'air!' Sayuri repeats, pointing at her fans, not that she knows.
Above house there are cheers, as viewers feel at home, wanted, and acknowledged, and ironically free from a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach to really pull them down into Sayuri's inner circle. Sayuri will probably get more airtime thanks to fans, even if she doesn't feel a thing. She's still using up airtime like a snowboarding pilot choosing clouds over celebrations to talk about when provided with options.
'Looks like we may have to start stocking more vegan options here,' Ja-ram says. 'Whatever's on the house will seem so free to the watchers, so much so that they'll pay a premium for it. Just like if they're buying from the vegan stores in Newtown.'
'Can we sell insulin?' Shay asks. 'At least to those from the States [2.].'
'You'll find the answer in your heart of the matter,' Ja-ram says, smiling. 'The pressure [8.] of taking things to heart: that could be too much for people [8.], like the cost, the price people pay.'
'Nice quick heart-to-heart,' Shay states.
*Japanese speakers: 'th' as 's'; 'r' as 'l'; no 'of'
1 Good Rx, Here’s Why Insulin Is So Expensive – And What You Can Do About It, https://www.goodrx.com/blog/heres-why-insulin-is-so-expensive-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/
2 The Diabetics Rationing Insulin Until They Die, https://youtu.be/dHiOSk7J-lA
3 The Exploitative Factories Making Your Fast Fashion in Ethiopia, https://youtu.be/vFIhD84ouv8
4 Garment Industry: #GoTransparent, https://youtu.be/wjt9rpF1c9M
5 Web MD, Human Insulin as Good as Costly Synthetic Versions, https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/news/20180629/human-insulin-as-good-as-costly-synthetic-versions
6 Chicago Tribune, HUMAN INSULIN MAY BE BETTER THAN ANIMAL, https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1990-07-29-9003030670-story.html, [This article is almost 30 years old but I think it's still relevant]
7 healthline, Pancreatitis Diet, https://www.healthline.com/health/pancreatitis-diet
8 Science Daily, Science News, Too much insulin a bad thing for the heart?, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/100419233109.htm