Читать книгу Social Life; or, The Manners and Customs of Polite Society - Maud C. Cooke - Страница 60

When to Leave Cards.


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First Calls of the season necessitate the leaving of cards. Let them be left quietly in the hall. This custom assists the lady of the house in revising her visiting list.

Letters of Introduction necessitate that those who have received courtesies in response to such, should, upon their departure, send P.P.C. cards to those that have thus remembered them.

A Change of Residence renders it desirable to send cards by mail to one's friends with the new address engraved thereon. However, should there be unpaid calls, the cards to these should be left in person.

The Return from an Absence, including any length of time, should be announced by sending out cards having the address and reception day engraved upon them. Where P.P.C. cards have been issued previous to departure these should always follow the return.

Preceding a Début. Previous to the date decided upon for the presentation of a débutante to the social world, the young girl's mother calls upon those of her friends whom she desires to be present upon the occasion and leaves them her own and her husband's cards, and, if she have grown sons, their cards also.

Reception Invitations to a full dress reception are preceded by a call by card upon all the acquaintances to whom the hostess may be indebted.

After Cards is the name applied to those that are sent to friends after a marriage and are engraved thus:

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith.

Later on, however, when the bride returns visits, she usually leaves her own card with her married name engraved upon it, thus:

Mrs. Charles E. Smith.

at the same time leaving her husband's separate card with her own.

Before Marriage, the bride expectant in paying her farewell calls, leaves her own separate card, together with that of her mother or chaperon, with all acquaintances she may wish to retain in her new life.

Social Life; or, The Manners and Customs of Polite Society

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