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Maulana Muhammad Ali
The Holy Quran, English Translation, âText Onlyâ
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Proper Names
Transliteration of Arabic Words
Chapter 1 Al-Fatihah: The Opening
Chapter 2 Al-Baqarah: The Cow Part 1
SECTION 1: Fundamental Principles of Islam
SECTION 2: Lip-profession
SECTION 3: Divine Unity
SECTION 4: Greatness of Man and Need for Revelation
SECTION 5: Israelite Prophecies fulfilled in Qur’an
SECTION 6: Divine Favours on Israel
SECTION 7: Divine Favours on Israel
SECTION 8: Israelites’ Degeneration
SECTION 9: They grow in Hard-heartedness
SECTION 10: Their Covenant and its Violation
SECTION 11: They reject the Prophet
SECTION 12: Their Enmity to the Prophet
SECTION 13: Previous Scriptures are abrogated
SECTION 14: Perfect Guidance is only in Islam
SECTION 15: Covenant with Abraham
SECTION 16: The Religion of Abraham
Part 2 SECTION 17: The Ka‘bah as the Spiritual Centre
SECTION 18: The Ka‘bah as the Spritual Centre
SECTION 19: Hard Trials necessary to establish Truth
SECTION 20: Unity must prevail
SECTION 21: Prohibited Foods
SECTION 22: Retaliation and Bequests
SECTION 23: Fasting
SECTION 24: Fighting in Defence
SECTION 25: The Pilgrimage
SECTION 26: Trials and Tribulations
SECTION 27: Miscellaneous Questions
SECTION 28: Divorce
SECTION 29: Divorce
SECTION 30: Remarriage of Divorced Women and Widows
SECTION 31: Provision for Divorced Women and Widows
SECTION 32: Fighting in the Cause of Truth
SECTION 33: Fighting in the Cause of Truth
Part 3
SECTION 34: Compulsion in Religion Forbidden
SECTION 35: How Dead Nations are Raised to Life
SECTION 36: Spending Money in the Cause of Truth
SECTION 37: Spending in the Cause of Truth
SECTION 38: Usury Prohibited
SECTION 39: Contracts and Evidence
SECTION 40: Muslims Shall be Made Victorious
Chapter 3 Al ‘Imran: The Family of Amran
SECTION 1: Rule of Interpretation
SECTION 2: Unity the Basis of all Religions
SECTION 3: The Kingdom is Granted to Another People
SECTION 4: Last Members of a Chosen Race
SECTION 5: Birth of Jesus and His Ministry
SECTION 6: Jesus Cleared of False Charges
SECTION 7: Controversy with Jews and Christians
SECTION 8: Machinations to Discredit Islam
SECTION 9: Covenant of the Prophets
Part 4 SECTION 10: Ever-living Testimony to the Truth of Islam
SECTION 11: Muslims Exhorted to Remain United
SECTION 12: Relations of Jews with Muslims
SECTION 13: The Battle of Uhud
SECTION 14: What Success meant for the Muslims
SECTION 15: Sufferings to be met with Perseverance
SECTION 16: Causes of Misfortune in Uhud Battle
SECTION 17: Battle of Uhud Afforded a Distinction
SECTION 18: Uhud No Gain to the Enemy
SECTION 19: Carpings of People of the Book
SECTION 20: Ultimate Triumph of the Faithful
Chapter 4 Al-Nisa’: The Women
SECTION 1: Duties of Guardians to Orphan Wards
SECTION 2: Law of Inheritance
SECTION 3: Treatment of Women
SECTION 4: What Women may be taken in Marriage
Part 5
SECTION 5: Women’s Rights over their Earnings
SECTION 6: Disagreement between Husband and Wife
SECTION 7: Purification of the Soul
SECTION 8: Kingdom granted to Abraham’s Descendants
SECTION 9: The Prophet must be Obeyed
SECTION 10: Believers must defend Themselves
SECTION 11: Attitude of the Hypocrites
SECTION 12: How to deal with the Hypocrites
SECTION 13: Murderer of a Muslim
SECTION 14: Muslims who remained with the Enemy
SECTION 15: Prayer when Fighting
SECTION 16: Hypocrites are Dishonest
SECTION 17: Secret Counsels of the Hypocrites
SECTION 18: Idolatry condemned
SECTION 19: Equitable Dealings with Orphans and Women
SECTION 20: Hypocrisy Condemned
SECTION 21: End of the Hypocrites
Part 6
SECTION 22: Transgressions of the Jews
SECTION 23: Previous Revelation bears out Quranic Statements
SECTION 24: Prophethood of Jesus
Chapter 5 Al-Ma’idah: The Food
SECTION 1: Perfection of Religion in Islam
SECTION 2: Duty of Uprightness
SECTION 3: Christian Violation of the Covenant
SECTION 4: Israelites’ Violation of the Covenant
SECTION 5: Cain and Abel – murderous plots against the Prophet
SECTION 6: Punishment of Offenders
SECTION 7: The Qur’an and Previous Scriptures
SECTION 8: Relations of Muslims with Enemies
SECTION 9: The Mockers
SECTION 10: Christian Deviation from the Truth
SECTION 11: Christian Nearness to Islam
Part 7
SECTION 12: A Warning – Besetting Sins of Previous People
SECTION 13: Inviolability of the Ka‘bah
SECTION 14: Some Directions for Muslims
SECTION 15: Christian Love of this Life
SECTION 16: False Doctrines introduced after Jesus’ Death
Chapter 6 Al-An‘am: The Cattle
SECTION 1: Ultimate Triumph of Divine Unity
SECTION 2: Greatness of Divine Mercy
SECTION 3: Polytheists’ Witness against Themselves
SECTION 4: Rejection of the Truth
SECTION 5: Consequences of Rejection
SECTION 6: Reward of Believers
SECTION 7: Divine Judgment
SECTION 8: Divine Judgment
SECTION 9: Abraham’s Argument for Divine Unity
SECTION 10: Prophets among Abraham’s Descendants
SECTION 11: Truth of Divine Revelation
SECTION 12: Ultimate Triumph of the Truth
SECTION 13: Gradual Progress
Part 8 SECTION 14: Polytheists’ Opposition
SECTION 15: The Chief Opponents
SECTION 16: Evils of Idolatry
SECTION 17: Idolaters’ Self-imposed Prohibitions
SECTION 18: Prohibited Foods
SECTION 19: Guiding Rules of Life
SECTION 20: The Goal for the Faithful
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