Читать книгу The Art of Attack - Maxie Reynolds - Страница 26



 OAMs: offensive attacker mindset

 DAMs: defensive attacker mindset

 The offensive attacker mindset allows you to direct an event in the direction of the objective and be comfortable with the risk of doing so.

 A defensive attacker mindset will help an attacker win consistently and in all conditions.

 DAMs also teaches you that getting to the root cause of an anxious feeling will help take it from a feeling to a thought that can be broken down and dealt with and, hopefully, eradicated.

 Whereas your OAMs wants you to pivot at every possible opportunity that presents itself, your DAMs holds you back when necessary, knowing that not every incident or event is an opportunity and that observation without action can be just as powerful.

 Whenever the two are in conflict, OAMs will push you to do what it takes to win; DAMs will pull you to use caution, urging you to not take big risks.

 If there's no life-threatening danger, and you are closing in on the end of an attack, you should go for the win. If the risk you need to take in that moment threatens the rest of the engagement, fall back and reassess.

The Art of Attack

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