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Fleur de Lys


Scene 5

One year later. Sergey Arkhipov’s Architectural Bureau.

Igor Frolov and Sergey are seated comfortably in armchairs at a solid oak desk. They are drinking Talisker Storm whisky and smoking cigars.

Sergey. You look smug.

Frolov. I’ve spent the night with someone.

Sergey. Your ass must still be hurting.

Frolov. Oh, fuck you! If only you could see her naked. Lithesome as a cat.

Sergey. You lucky bastard! Do I know her?

Frolov. Perhaps you do. Anna Sokolova’s Dancing School. Her girl students put on a performance for the president at the EXPO summit, you know.

Sergey. I don’t remember. I don’t remember.

Frolov. Here’s to wives and sweethearts! May they never, never meet.

Sergey. Amen. Now I’ll introduce you to my new girlfriend.

Sergey gets off the armchair, steps up to his weapons safe, and produces a Benelli M4 shotgun.

Frolov. Isn’t she gorgeous!

Sergey. An icon! It’s semi-automatic. Six-round magazine. I’m going to a firing range tomorrow. Wanna put it to use.

Frolov. Well, I also can be of use to you, Sergey.

Sergey. Go ahead.


Frolov. As your lawyer, I insist that you and Marina should sign a marriage contract.

Sergey. Come on, Igor! I love her. I am indebted to her for everything I’ve achieved during the past year. She made me happy. Her connections with the city power players helped me get paying projects. I am prosperous and I’m doing my thing again.

Frolov. Marina is not a woman who would settle for crumbs from her ex. She is of the bulldog breed! If something goes wrong after your marriage and the birth of your child, she will rob you blind. You won’t have a rag to your back. Again.

Sergey. Marina is six months pregnant. Can you even imagine how stressful it is for her? The opening of her exhibition in the Main Avenue Gallery. Moving to a new house. Let alone the wedding. Her friends alone will amount to over a hundred guests. And fifty relatives, no less! And to top it all, you and your marriage contract. No way! End of story. Fill it up.

Frolov. How much do you want?

Sergey. Up to the brim! Cheers.

Frolov. Better belly burst than good liquor be lost!

Scene 6

One year later. July. Noon.

Fleur de Lys Art Studio.

In the middle of the room, there are easels with paintings on them. The paintings feature dancing girls in pretty dresses.

Marina, slightly inebriated Sergey.

Marina. Sergey, don’t overdrink. Lenka and her new boyf, a general from Moscow, are coming to visit us. You won’t miss your chance to get hammered, don’t worry.

Sergey. Uh-huh.

Marina. I will take Veronika to my parents for the night. They begged for a granddaughter, so they are welcome to baby her. God, I’m exhausted. The money came short again. If I don’t pay off, they will take away the office and I’ll be forced to close down my studio.

Sergey. Didn’t I tell you that taking credits is a bad idea? It’s a pyramid scheme!

Marina. Do you really have to remind me about that?

Sergey approaches Anna’s portrait and looks at it, silently.

Marina. This is Anna Sokolova. She’s our lawyer’s girlfriend.

Sergey. Girlfriend? Seems that I haven’t seen Igor for quite a while.

Marina. Anna commissioned me to paint some portraits of her dancing school’s students. She is supposed to get them today. Thanks for the reminder. There’s another painting waiting for her in the study. I’ll go and fetch it. [She goes to the study.]

Sergey. [He stares at Anna’s portrait as if trying to remember something.] You have Terpsichore’s eyes. I will catch a beam of sunlight and give it the shape of a golden lily. You are my muse.

Anna appears. She’s well-dressed and good-looking.

Anna. Hello.

Sergey. Greetings, magnificent Fleur de Lys.

Anna. Are you drunk?


Sergey. And yet you don’t have any boxer husband! The murderer is the gardener. Or rather, my own lawyer!

Anna. There is no gardener in «Cinderella».

Sergey. Who’d believe in fairytales today?!

Anna. Those who work hard to make fairytales come true. You alright? You look odd.

Sergey. Never trade love for money or a career. I made a mistake and cast in my lot with a witch.

Anna. I always considered Marina a kind fairy. She helped me when my husband left. I am grateful to her. Don’t look at me this way.

Sergey. Don’t be so beautiful then. You owe me a kiss!

Anna. I’m not in the habit of kissing someone else’s husbands.

Sergey. Me neither.

Sergey approaches Anna. She steps back but Sergey kisses her on her hand. Marina appears.

Marina. Welcome to the Fleur de Lys Studio.

Sergey. I need to go to the office.

Marina. Come back before dinner, my dear.

Sergey leaves

Anna. Hi, Marina.

Marina. Hi, Anna. So, what do you say?

Anna. How marvelous. These paintings are lifelike. You are a miracle woman.

Marina. Thank you.

Anna. My driver will come for them tomorrow afternoon.

Anna produces a wad of notes and hands it over to Marina.

Marina. It’s more than we agreed on.

Anna. Trust me, the paintings are worth it.

Marina. Thank you.

Anna. There’s sadness in your eyes, Marina. What’s the matter?

Marina. That’s none of your fucking business! [She scowls at Anna furiously.] When I came in… He had this look, – he never looked at me this way… I overheard your conversation.


Anna. I don’t know what to say.

Marina. I hate you … [She turns away from Anna and sobs quietly.]

Anna approaches Marina and puts her arms around her.

Anna. I am no thief, Marina. Be strong. All is well.

Scene 7

24 hours later.

Frolov and Co. Law Office.

Sergey. Igor, is your relationship with Anna serious?

Frolov. Why do you ask?

Sergey. You are my friend and my family’s lawyer, I’ve got nothing to hide from you.

Frolov. Can you be more specific?

Sergey. I love Anna. I always did, since I first met her. I realized it yesterday.

Frolov. For goodness’ sake, old chap … [Pause.] Thanks for being honest. [He takes a Hennessy XO bottle and fills the glasses.] A month ago I proposed to Anna. And this morning she said yes. The wedding’s in September.

Frolov’s mobile phone rings.

Frolov. Speaking, go ahead. Yes, I am her lawyer. Come again? I can’t hear you, say that again! Alright. I’ll be there in thirty minutes, allowing for traffic delays. [He ends the call. Pause.]

Frolov. Sergey. Marina got into a car accident. Her car collided with a truck. She’s now in the emergency ward of the regional hospital.

Sergey. Holy crap!

Sergey and Frolov leave hurriedly.

Fleur de Lys

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