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2. Dinner of Fate


While we were at dinner and about to order, I fidgeted under the table so much that Jensen had to put his hand on my knee to calm me down. Alicia was sitting at the end of the table to my left and I knew she could tell something big was in the air because she kept looking from Jensen to me and back to Jensen again. I nodded slightly and her eyes lit up. She then began to fidget as well, which only made things worse.

As Jessica and Karl were ordering, Jensen took that time to whisper into my ear. "Babe, calm down. Your nervousness is catching; Alicia has it now." He kissed my temple softly.

"Sorry. I can't help it," I whispered back. My stomach was churning so much so that I didn't know if I could eat. When it was Alicia’s turn to order she went with a salad, which told me someone else besides me was too nervous to eat anything heavy. I ordered the same. If Jensen was nervous, he wasn't showing it and ordered what he normally would eat at dinner—a large steak and vegetables.

Karl started the conversation while we waited for our food. "Thanks for taking us out to dinner. We really enjoy spending time with everyone."

"Yes, thanks, hon," Ashlyn added as she absently brushed something off of the arm of her blue cashmere sweater. As always, Jensen’s mother looked like she stepped out of a catalogue.

"Yeah, why did you want to take us all out, anyway?" Jessica eyed us tentatively.

My hand fluttered up to my neck, feeling for the absent ring that Jensen replaced with his senior key, which was not really a key at all but an insignia or a Coat of Arms with black and red on top of gold-like plating. It had 1993, the year of his graduation, printed in small letters, and the whole thing was no larger than my pinky finger. Jensen’s plan was to pull the ring out and ask me to marry him in front of his family. I wasn't sure I could feign surprise, but I promised I would do my best. Pulling the key out from under my shirt, I fiddled with it nervously, breathing deeply to try calming myself.

"Oh, you gave Mia your senior key," Jessica announced, eyeing it closely.

"Actually, yes, I did give Mia my senior key.” Jensen stood up at that moment and pushed his chair back. The act caught everyone by surprise and I felt my stomach lurch with anticipation. “And yes, I had a reason for bringing you all out to dinner tonight. I think it's no surprise that Mia and I are inseparable and have been for quite a while now. Truth is, I love her more than anything." Jensen paused as I looked up into his eyes, afraid to look at his parents, Karl, or Jessica.

"Jensen?" Ashlyn asked so cautiously that I’m sure she knew what was coming.

Jensen then looked over at his parents briefly and got down on one knee to take my hand. "I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with Mia,” he told everyone, and then looking deeper into my eyes he said, “Mia, will you marry me?" His eyes sparkled and it was almost as if we’d hit rewind on the past year and he was asking me again for the first time. Gently he squeezed my hand and all I could do was stare into the blue of his eyes and smile. Everything stood still until Alicia let out a screech, Jessica inhaled deeply, and I slightly became aware of his family once again. Peripherally, I caught Ashlyn grabbing her husband Dan's arm in surprise.

"Will you marry me?" Jensen whispered again, prompting me for my line. I finally found my voice and whispered "yes" as he quickly began to slide the ring on my finger. I briefly looked down to see it sparkle and then leaned forward, hugging Jensen and feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Yes, they're real," I whispered in Jensen's ear, anticipating he would wonder if I was truly a good actress and could cry on command. We finally turned toward his family to face the music.

Karl got up, shook Jensen's hand and slapped him on the back. "Congratulations, man!" He was smiling from ear-to-ear and leaned over to hug me, repeating his congratulations.

Jessica stayed in her chair, and didn’t come over. "Wow, I had no idea that was coming. Congratulations?" she seemed to ask, more than say.

"I always wanted you as my sister-in-law!” Alicia said as she pulled me sideways and slightly out of my chair into a bear hug. “Congratulations!"

I looked at Jensen's parents. It was agonizing not knowing what they were thinking. Ashlyn and Dan looked at each other and then stood up together, making their way over to us.

"Wow, I don't know what to say," Ashlyn stammered. "You know I love you both and want nothing more than to have Mia as my daughter-in-law, but it's so soon. You know I don't want to be that mom, and I trust you've thought this over.” Jensen’s mother put her hand on my shoulder. “Mia, honey, you're still in high school and barely seventeen."

I gaped at Ashlyn, unsure of what to say. She thinks now is the best time to voice her concerns?

"What your Mom means is we're just concerned is all,” Dan interjected. “We love you both and trust your decision. We just want to make sure you're going to be OK."

"Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less," Jensen said, hugging his mom and then his dad. He moved closer to me.

"Wait, you're not pregnant, are you?" Jessica threw in, raising her eyebrows.

"Jessica!" Alicia yelled harshly.

"What? It's a good question. No one gets engaged when they're in high school."

Ashlyn suddenly looked at me worriedly.

"No! Of course I'm not pregnant!" I shot back, but I could tell his parents needed more reassuring. "We're responsible every time, and if you must know, I'm on the pill." Damnit, leave it to Jessica to go there.

As soon as it came out I wished I could claw it back. That was not the way I had wanted to confirm with his parents that we were being safe, and I certainly didn't want Jessica and Karl to know anything about our sex life. Not expecting this reaction at all, I blamed the heat of the moment. Catching Jensen's surprised look that I would have shared that in public, I gave him an apologizing look hoping he would understand.

"We know you two are responsible, honey; no one doubts that," Ashlyn whispered. "Jessica's question didn’t come at the best time, is all." She shot her daughter a look.

"I'm sorry,” I said to everyone at the table, “I didn't mean to share such personal stuff, but I was caught off-guard by such a direct question." My eyes moved to Jessica, whose gaze narrowed slightly as she gave off a fake smile. "And now that we all know I'm not pregnant,” I said, trying to lighten things up, “I think it's best if we plan a long engagement. Don't you agree, Jensen?"

Jensen briefly looked my way and then back at his parents. He deliberately ignored his sister. "Yes, that was my plan. We can't get married now with me starting freshman year at college and Mia still in high school.”

"Well, I'm sure it will go by really fast, and planning the wedding will be tons of fun! I'm so excited for you two!" Alicia said, hugging me again and trying her best to take the awkwardness out of the air. Besides us, she and Karl seemed to be the only ones excited.

"We'll have something at home to celebrate," Dan said, making his way back to his seat with Ashlyn.

As we waited for our food, Ashlyn asked to see the ring. I leaned over the table and extended my hand. She regarded it for some time. "Wow, it's beautiful. VS1 clarity and I can't see any flaws with my naked eye. I would love to get a jeweler's eye on this, though. Jensen, this probably set you back quite a bit. I hope you still have money left for college," she chastised lightly.

Jensen grinned. "First, I'm not about to share what it cost in front of my fiancée; second, I still have money to pay for college."

Ashlyn, still holding my hand, looked up at Jensen somewhat sternly for a second and then smiled. "It's really beautiful. Isn't it Alicia?" She turned her attention back to me.

"Yes, I'm jealous. I'm sure Jess is, too. Right, Jess?" Alicia asked.

Jessica's fake smile reappeared once more, and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with all of the attention, whether good or bad. The food finally arrived and I was thankful that the attention was now on something else. As our server was placing the plates down in front of each of us, Jensen stole a moment to tell me he knew it would go OK.

"See, nothing to worry about. Are you OK?" he whispered.

I nodded and smiled. "Just a little uncomfortable is all. Let's talk about it later."

The rest of the meal was spent discussing Jensen leaving for school, which brought back my depressed feelings from earlier. Once dinner was over with and the whole charade had finally ended, Jensen took the wheel of my truck and drove us in the direction of his house. I played with my engagement ring, twirling it around my finger, while Jensen hummed along quietly to Aerosmith singing in the background about living on the edge. Something was wrong with the world, indeed.

"Jessica seemed pissed," I said once we were on the main road.

Jensen looked over briefly at me and then back at the road. "Yeah, she'll get over it. Are you OK?" He looked back at me and touched my cheek lightly with his fingers before returning his eyes to the road.

"Yeah, I'm just sorry I had that little outburst about our sex life. She really made me angry with her question. That was certainly not the way I wanted your parents to know we are being careful. And, I never would have confided in Jessica about that stuff,” I muttered angrily. “And I'm sure Karl wants nothing to do with that information, either." Jensen was smiling and not saying anything, which made me nervous. He finally chuckled and I was starting to get irritated. "What are you laughing about?" I demanded. We were at a stop light and he reached over and kissed my lips briefly before the light turned green.

"Karl will be OK, believe me.” Jensen laughed again. “He already knew you were on birth control, and I'm sure if he knows, Jess does, too. You know … the whole boyfriend-girlfriend code where you tell each other everything?"

What? "Did you tell him?" I asked in disbelief, not knowing why I was getting so upset all of a sudden.

"Well, he did ask. And … he is my best friend." Jensen looked embarrassed. "I'm sure you told Krissa?" I crossed my hands in front of my chest and raised an angry eyebrow at Jensen. Why was this pissing me off so much? Of course my friends knew. Shit, even Alicia knew.

"Not right away," I muttered under my breath. "And I doubt he told Jessica, otherwise she wouldn't have asked if I was pregnant."

"Maybe, sometimes Jess just likes to bring attention to shit that she shouldn't." Jensen looked intently at me. "Well, if it's any consolation, I think I saw my mom breathe a sigh of relief when you said we are responsible every time and that you’re on the pill. I could just see her having a coronary if she became a grandmother now." Jensen looked over at me with a half-smile for some kind of recognition that all would be OK, but he received only a sigh in return.

I stayed silent until we pulled into the driveway to his house and he killed the truck’s engine. Not moving the keys right away, Jensen turned toward me and asked, “Babe, what's going on? I know all this silence can't all be about tonight."

I sighed again, closing my eyes and trying to keep the tears from coming. He was right. I was an emotional wreck because he would be leaving in a few short days. I felt his hand on my cheek and opened my eyes, letting the tears escape. God, he must think I'm a baby.

"What? What's wrong? Are you having second thoughts?" he questioned, the panic evident in his eyes.

"No, nothing like that.” I shook my head at his silly worry. “I'm just having trouble with the fact you're leaving. I thought I was OK, but my emotions started up again at dinner when we were talking about it."

Jensen held my face in his hands and stared intently at me, wiping tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. His blue eyes were piercing. "Mia, I love you so much and I meant what I said tonight. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my everything. I know it will be hard, but you can think of our time apart as an extended vacation. You know we'll still talk all the time." He was trying to make me feel better and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I know … it's just hard. I need to work through these emotions I have."

"Not alone," he stated. I wasn't sure what he meant and knew my face held questions. "I just mean I won't let you go through this sadness alone. Either you're going to stay over tonight or I'll stay over at your place. In fact, from now until I leave we'll literally be glued together. Literally," he reiterated with a glint of longing in his eyes.

I felt my stomach do a somersault at his double meaning as he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. Parting my lips, I felt his hot breath exhale deeply into me and his tongue pleasantly caress mine. Rooting my fingers into his hair, I held Jensen tightly as our breathing quickened and his hands found their way under my shirt, onto the planes of my stomach, and up to my bra. Shuddering lightly, I broke the kiss to take a deep breath. Our foreheads rested together as we breathed heavily and fogged up the windows to my truck. For a second I wondered if any of his family knew we were out there.

"I want you." Jensen's voice was barely above a whisper. "Maybe we’d better stay at your house tonight."

I crushed my lips back onto his because I couldn't get enough of him. Finally, he pulled away and reminded me that, even though we wanted to be somewhere else, we still needed to go inside and share a few toasts to our engagement before we could be alone.

"Don't worry, we won't stay long. I don't think I can keep myself at bay for much longer," he said with thick desire in his voice.

"Good, because I just may combust." My eyes flickered unconsciously to his groin, confirming how much he wanted me. Damn it felt good to be wanted so much.

We got out of my truck and stood for a few minutes collecting ourselves and allowing the air to cool us down before going inside. I thought it would take forever for Jensen to lose the erection he'd gotten in the car when we were kissing, but soon it was gone. Thank God for cold air! While I waited patiently, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and slightly bent forward, putting my hand over the area. Jensen looked at me in panic and asked what was wrong. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, the pain subsided.

"I'm fine … a case of eating too much, I guess.”

"OK,” Jensen said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “I think we're OK to go in now.” Guiding me toward the house he teased, “You don't look all flush anymore."

Shaking my head, I teased back that he needed to completely deflate the bulge still in the front of his pants. He briefly looked down, shook his head and laughed loudly, pulling me toward the door by my hand. Inside, Jensen's parents had already poured the champagne and were waiting for us to join them.

"It’s about time! What were you guys doing out there?" Alicia asked, handing us each a glass of light red liquid that seemed to bubble up from the bottom of the glass.

"Talking," we quickly said at the same time.

Alicia gave us a knowing look and called everyone to take a flute of champagne before wishing many happy years together. We all clinked glasses and sipped our champagne. The cool liquid was sweet and silky as it rolled down my throat. Jensen took a sip, swishing the champagne around in his mouth to get the full effect, and must have been thinking exactly what I had been when his mom answered that it was a red moscato champagne meant to be very sweet. Although it tasted wonderful, Jensen nor I took more than a few sips since we were underage and he still had to drive me home, although it was only a stone's throw away from his house. Karl and Jessica didn’t hang around for long after that, and taking a cue from them, Jensen announced he needed to get me home.

"Are you coming back?" Ashlyn wanted to know, something she hadn’t ever asked him before, at least not in front of me. I looked at Jensen and felt slight panic wash over me, anticipating how he would answer.

"Um, I wasn't planning on it," Jensen said, caught off-guard. "I just want to spend as much time with Mia before I leave."

"Yes, of course,” Jensen’s mother answered uncomfortably, “I was just curious if you'd be back so we could talk about your trip and some last-minute arrangements for college." Turning to me she asked, “Mia, I hope you don't mind if Jensen and I take some time tomorrow to do that?"

"Sure, it's no problem at all," I said, a little embarrassed that I was obviously being excluded.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Jensen said to his family as he put his arm around my shoulders and led me out of his house.

"What was that about?" I asked once we were safely outside.

"Not sure, but I can guess,” he answered as he opened the passenger door of my truck for me. “I think she wants to talk to me about our engagement. I wouldn't worry about it, though." Jensen looked deep in thought as he jogged around to the driver’s door, but he didn’t look worried about what his mother might say.

It took only a few minutes to drive to my home, which was a little cottage-style place I had been renting from Jensen's parents for almost a year. Jensen had insisted on using his key to unlock the door anytime he came over and tonight was no different. He opened the door and motioned for me to go in before following behind me and locking the door behind us.

"Do you want to call Emery to tell him how it went, or wait until tomorrow?" I questioned since I thought he might be anxious to report back to Emery.

Jensen set the keys down on the table by the phone and came up behind and put his arms around me; his lips were at my ear. "I can wait until tomorrow. It might be too late to call tonight."

"It's only around nine, right? Aren't they an hour ahead? Come to think of it, maybe I should call my dad and let him in on the news."

"How about later? There’s always tomorrow for that," Jensen suggested, moving my hair away from my neck and kissing me softly. He was very persuasive as I turned toward him and took his hands in mine to lead him to my bedroom. Now that we were finally alone we could give in to our craving for each other.

Jensen left around eight the next morning to go home to talk to his mom about “college,” but promised he’d be back as soon as they were done so we could spend the day together. I got up and showered, reminiscing over the previous night with Jensen. His touch had been different, more loving somehow, and his blue eyes explored every inch of me, as did his hands. I remembered tracing my fingers over his chest and abdominal muscles, and finally around to his back as I pulled him as close as I could, which still wasn’t close enough. I thought of his heated body as I closed my eyes and let the water flow down my face. A twinge of desire gripped my abdomen and suddenly I wished he was there with me in the shower. The memory of the night turned into a fantasy of what could be. Taking a deep breath, I shuddered and hugged myself before forcing my eyes to open. Having that fantasy was doing me no good, so I finished washing my hair and turned off the shower, making a mental note to get him in there with me sometime in the near future.

After fixing myself a quick breakfast, I decided to look over information that had been sent the previous week regarding school registration and senior pictures, which was going to happen a lot sooner than I wanted it to. With my focus on Jensen these were among the things I had casually put aside.

Registration was scheduled on a Tuesday with the seniors going first, of course; juniors were on Wednesday. I suddenly remembered that Krissa, Aria, and Nate were slated to register before me this year, so I had to rely on Nate to choose a good locker that was not located in the English wing with the bottleneck traffic of students coming and going. It was enough to drive a person insane. Somehow I knew he would probably be calling to tell me we were stuck with the English wing, stuck being the operative word. Nate and Aria had talked at one point about sharing a locker this year, but Krissa and I pointed out the obvious question of what would happen if they broke up. So, to keep on the safe side, we decided Krissa and Aria would share one, and Nate and I would double-up in a locker that was as close as possible to the other two.

Pushing the thought of lockers and crowded hallways out of my head, I tucked away the papers describing picture packages for seniors and confirmation of my chosen scheduled date for picture day, which Alicia and I had settled on earlier in the summer when we had sent our appointment requests in to the photographer. Along with one of the picture packages, I was also set on ordering two tassels, one for me and one to put on the rearview mirror of my truck, along with a senior key and a keychain tassel. Purchasing a class ring was out since I didn't really have a reason to wear one.

Looking at my watch I realized only five minutes had passed. Jensen had only been gone for about forty-five minutes and I didn't expect him back for at least another thirty. I got up and decided I would call Dad to tell him the news. As I dialed his number, I had half a mind to hang up and just wait for Jensen so we both could tell my dad, but I figured if I waited I would lose my nerve. After three rings, he answered.

"Hi, Dad!" I said exuberantly.

"Mia, hi! How are you?" He sounded genuinely glad to hear from me.

I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I called to tell you some big news … Jensen and I are engaged! I had played out what I'd say to Dad in my head, but as he was still greeting me I forgot everything and instead just beat around the bush. "Things … things are good. I register for school soon."

"They're still making you register as a junior?"

I made a face, not fully comprehending that he couldn't see it. "Yeah, but at least I get to take my senior pictures."

"Who are you sharing a locker with? Krissa again?"

"No, I'm actually going to share with Nate." I could almost see his eyebrows rise at my mention of sharing with a guy.

"What about Jensen?"

"Jensen is fine with it. Dad, you know Nate and I are friends. Besides, it's more of a favor to Aria. She and Nate wanted to share, but Krissa and I talked her out of it in case they break up. I was the consolation," I explained.

"So how is Jensen? He leaves for college soon, right?"

I sighed with sadness at the mention of Jensen going away. I just can't catch a break! "Yes, in a few days."

"I know that will be hard for you, but I assume you have plans to visit him and he'll be back for the major holidays, right?"

My dad knew me all too well. I smiled at the thought. "Yes, of course."

"So, how are things with the two of you? Sounds like you're definitely jumping in with both feet and doing the long distance thing."

"Things are great with us, actually. Um, regarding that—" I paused for a moment.

"Yes?" my dad asked, almost too cautiously.

I urged myself forward. "Well, I did have a reason for calling."

"Do you need money to visit him or something?"

"No, no, nothing like that." I almost heard Dad sigh with relief on the other end, even though I usually didn't ask for much. "I was calling to share some news. Some big news, actually."

"Go on," Dad encouraged.

Before he could ask the same question Jessica had, I blurted it out. "Jensen asked me to marry him last night and I said yes! He proposed in front of his family at dinner."

Silence followed by … more silence. I almost wanted to tell my dad to say something, but decided to fill the silence with more babble. "It will be a long engagement since I'm still in high school, but we are planning to live together after I graduate. That is if I get into Stanford or go somewhere close to him…" my voice trailed off and I waited for my Dad to say something.

Finally, after a few moments he spoke. "Wow. That is big news.” He didn’t sound happy, but then again he didn’t sound mad. “You two are so young, are you sure you’re ready for that step?"

"Dad, you know I don't enter into anything lightly. I love him and he loves me—what more is there?"

My dad sighed. "I just worry—it's my job as your dad. Don't get me wrong, I like Jensen a lot. In fact, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather see you with, but you two are awfully young. Even if you were older, I’d worry that it's so soon in your relationship."

Although my dad had never met Jensen in person, the two had closely been in touch when Dad wanted to buy me a nice vehicle for my birthday. Jensen left quite an impression on my dad at that time.

"Dad, we've been together for almost two years now," I pointed out, ignoring the length of time Jensen lost his memory and thought he was still dating his ex-girlfriend, Alyna, which he never would have done so had he been in his right mind.

"I know, I know … but he's going off to college. Sometimes long distance relationships don't work out." Dad was probably shaking his head on the other end of the line.

My stomach churned while disappointment came over me. A lump began to form in my throat and I wondered if Dad would have been this transparent had Jensen been sitting next to me.

"Don't you think I've thought of that?" I whispered, afraid if I used my voice it would betray me and share that I was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sure you have, but you know I'm a realist. I'm not saying you two will break up; I just want you to be prepared in the event it does happen." My dad fell silent again and then he cleared his throat when I didn't say anything. "What do his parents think of the news?"

"They seemed a little surprised like you, but overall they're supportive. They know we love each other."

"Hmm, well, that's good, I guess."

"Thanks," I said, wishing that Dad was at least a little bit more as excited as I was. "I'm really happy with him, Dad. He's my soul mate, OK?" I didn't mean it to sound like I was trying to gain his acceptance of the situation, but that's how it came out.

"I know, I know. He's a really great guy, he really is. Tell him I said congratulations and we'll have to plan a dinner when I'm up for your graduation next year. OK?"

"OK, I'll tell him. Thanks for being supportive, Dad. I know it's big news and I'm sort of springing it on you."

"Speaking of springing the news … did you tell your mom?"

"No way! We haven't talked since the whole emancipation. I'm hoping she'll just hear it through the grapevine."

"Really? You don't think she'd want to hear it from you instead? She is your mother after all. Don’t you think she at least deserves that much?”

"Are you and Jensen on the same wavelength or something?” I felt like I was re-living the conversation I’d had with Jensen. "No, I don't think she'd want to hear it from me. She hasn't made any effort to contact or have a relationship with me, so I don't want to have one with her. I might mention it sometime, but right now I don't want to." I was being what my mother referred to as huffy.

"Alright … OK … don't get excited. I was just asking a question."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's a personal subject, is all."

"It's alright, I understand."

"Dad, listen, I need to get going. Thanks again for being supportive. I'll be sure to tell Jensen you said hello and congratulations. Love you!"

"Love you, too, Mia. Talk to you again soon."

I hung up and placed the phone back in the cradle. In all honesty I didn't have to get off the phone, but the conversation had turned awkward and I realized I probably wouldn't have been able to turn it around. Looking at my watch again I began to wonder where Jensen might be. I grabbed my coat and decided to take a walk on the beach. Before I locked the door, I left him a note on the door:


I went for a quick walk while I waited for you.

Please come in and wait for me to get back.

I love you,


The sun was barely peeking out from the clouds as I made my way down to the beach. The tide was on its way out and a slight breeze was coming off of the water. I hugged my arms around myself to keep warm. For mid-August it was a little chilly. I started my walk down the beach, absently making my way closer to Jensen's house. It wasn't until I was about halfway there that I realized what I was doing. Maybe I was just too curious as to what he and his mom were discussing.

About five minutes later I saw the Meyers’ house and slowed my pace. Jensen was sitting out on the upper deck on one of the wrought-iron chairs of the bistro set near double French doors that led into the kitchen. He seemed to be alone and just staring out at the water. After watching him for a minute or two, I decided I'd walk up and say hello. Before I could, his mom emerged from one of the doors with two steaming cups, which I assumed were filled with coffee. Jensen’s attention was soon drawn to the hot cup and he smiled up at his mom, appearing to thank her. Ashlyn sat down in the chair next to Jensen and cupped the mug between her hands. I watched as she then set it down on a round table between them. She seemed to have a serious look on her face as she began to talk. I couldn't make out what she was saying, of course, because of the distance, but she seemed slightly upset.

Jensen's brow furrowed as he took a sip of his coffee and then put it down on the same round table. His hands became slightly animated as he talked, apparently answering a question or disagreeing with something she’d said. He turned his head abruptly and was looking out in my direction. Hoping that he wouldn’t see me, I stepped back behind a tree as quickly as I could, peeking through the branches and up at the wooden deck where he and his mother stood. It didn’t take long before I realized it was the nearby water he was looking at and not me. His mother appeared to still be speaking to him.

Even from the distance, I could tell Jensen’s mood was intense. His mom touched his arm lightly as he turned toward her and shook his head. They seemed to exchange a few more words before Jensen got up out of his chair and made his way to the kitchen through the French doors. That was my cue to beat it back to my house so he wouldn’t think I'd seen the exchange between him and his mom. Feeling like a spy who was about to get caught, I ran all the way back to my house, praying I would get there before Jensen did. I hopped the stairs two-at-a-time and was relieved to see the note still on the door. Quickly pulling it off, I sat down on the stairs and tried my best to regulate my breathing.

As it turned out, there was no reason to run back to my house since Jensen took another twenty or so minutes to return. Just as I was getting more than impatient waiting for him on my front porch, he emerged from the street and walked up my driveway with his hair still damp. Apparently he had taken a shower before coming back over.

Junior Year, 93-94

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