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“I would have liked school a lot better if my teachers looked like you.”

Ginger’s pulse quickened at the sound of Scott’s low Southern drawl at the classroom door.

“Is this a bad time?” Scott crossed the room and leaned on the edge of her desk. His intense gaze made her blush.

“Not at all. Why?”

Scott smirked, brushing Ginger’s cheek with his fingers.

“You feeling okay? You look flushed.”

“Yes. No. I’m fine.”

He grinned. “You’re a lousy liar, but I like that about you.”

Ginger had more than a few sleepless nights lately, wrestling with her attraction to Scott. But a romance with a student’s father was out of the question, even if he made her skin tingle.

“Scott, I’m happy to discuss your daughter’s progress in class, but we absolutely cannot talk about anything personal.”

“That’s fine.” Scott smiled. “Talking wasn’t exactly what I had in mind anyway.”

Stand-In Mom

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