Читать книгу Stand-In Mom - Megan Kelly - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Telling Ginger’s story in Stand-In Mom has been a project dear to my heart. She started her existence as a secondary character in The Fake Fiancée, but by the end of the book, I wanted to be her best friend. Readers responded the same way, asking me to find her happiness. Ginger’s husband divorced her when they couldn’t conceive a child. Now she’s determined to forget men and find love by adopting a baby.

So, of course, she falls for a guy.

I have to say, I wasn’t sure what I’d do with Scott when he showed up. He’s not what Ginger wants and seems to be in the way of her finding happiness—which made it even more fun for me as a writer. By the second chapter, I was rooting for him. These two have kept me on my toes, and I’ve loved every minute of it. This story made me laugh and cry as it unfolded, and I hope it touches you, too.

Old friends drop in, which was fun, as well. Dylan Ross from The Marriage Solution reappears as Scott’s boss, as does Ginger’s best friend, Lisa Riley, from The Fake Fiancée. It was nice to visit with them again.

I’d love to hear what you think of Ginger and Scott’s story. Please visit my website, megankellybooks.com, find me on Facebook or Twitter and visit our Harlequin American Romance authors’ blog at harauthors.


Best to you all,

Megan Kelly

Stand-In Mom

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