Читать книгу Jane - Мэгги Нельсон - Страница 16
When I tell my grandfather
I am writing about Jane, he says,
What will it be, a figment
of your imagination?
We are eating awful little pizzas
and my mother is into
the boxed wine. I don’t know
what to say. I wish
I could show him: between
figling (a little fig)
and figure lies
figment, from fingere, meaning
to form. As used in 1592:
The excellencie, dilicatnes, and perfection of this figment cannot be suffi[ci]entlie expressed.
But he doesn’t want to see.
Besides, that meaning
is obsolete. By 1639:
It is a sin to lie, even in God’s cause, and to defend his justice
with false tales and figments.
And by 1875:
We must not conceive that this logical figment
ever had a real existence.