Читать книгу Quantum Computing - Melanie Swan - Страница 3


Between Science and Economics

ISSN: 2051-6304

Series Editor: Frank Witte (University College London, UK)

The series Between Science and Economics aims at providing a mix of undergraduate and graduate textbooks, research monographs and essay and paper collections to serve as a library and resource for teachers, students, graduate students and experts studying fields in which economic and science issues and problems come together. The thrust of the series is to demonstrate that the contributing disciplines can benefit from learning from one another as well as contributing to the resolution of multi- and interdisciplinary questions. This involves the economic principles at work in science and technology as well as the roots of economic processes in biological, chemical and physical fundamentals in nature. It also encompasses the problems associated with complexity, order-to-disorder transitions, uncertainty, deterministic chaos and geometric principles faced by economics as well as many of the natural sciences.

Publishe d

Vol. 2Quantum Computing: Physics, Blockchains, and Deep Learning Smart Networks by Melanie Swan, Renato P. dos Santos and Frank Witte
Vol. 1Blockchain Economics: Implications of Distributed Ledgers: Markets, Communications Networks, and Algorithmic Reality edited by Melanie Swan, Jason Potts, Soichiro Takagi, Frank Witte and Paolo Tasca
Quantum Computing

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