Читать книгу Quantum Computing - Melanie Swan - Страница 9


List of Tables

Table 2.1.Early smart networks (Smart Networks 1.0)

Table 2.2.Robust self-operating smart networks (Smart Networks 2.0)

Table 2.3.Quantum smart networks (Future-class Smart Networks 3.0)

Table 2.4.Smart networks by operational focus

Table 2.5.Steps in articulating an effective field theory

Table 3.1.Quantum computing hardware platforms

Table 3.2.Superconducting materials

Table 3.3.Qubit types by formation and control parameters

Table 4.1.Quantum applications and number of qubits required

Table 4.2.Church–Turing computability thesis

Table 4.3.Quantum computing systems and error correction

Table 4.4.Interpretations of Bell’s inequality

Table 5.1.Computational trust model comparison and progression

Table 5.2.Economic themes with instantiations in blockchain networks

Table 6.1.Roadmap: Six steps to a quantum internet

Table 7.1.Comparison of zero-knowledge proof systems

Table 7.2.Transaction systems comparison: Confidentiality and anonymity

Table 11.1.Key aspects of statistical neural field theory

Table 11.2.Statistical neural field theory: System norm and criticality

Table 11.3.Obtaining a master field equation for the neural system

Table 11.4.Expanding the Markov random walk to a Markov random field

Table 11.5.Linear and nonlinear models of the system action

Table 11.6.Statistical neural field theory system criticality

Table 11.7.Key aspects of the spin-glass model

Table 11.8.Spin-glass model: System norm and criticality

Table 12.1.SNFT: Minimal elements

Table 12.2.SNFT: Particles and interactions

Table 12.3.SNFT: System operating parameters

Table 12.4.Operating parameters in smart network systems

Table 12.5.System criticality parameters in smart network systems

Table 12.6.Blockchain network services provided by peer-to-peer nodes

Table 12.7.Deep learning services provided by perceptron nodes

Table 13.1.Key historical moments in the AdS/CFT correspondence

Table 13.2.Tools and methods used in AdS/CFT correspondence research

Table 14.1.Examples of holographic quantum error-correcting codes

Table 14.2.Quantum information science topics

Table 15.1.SNQFT: Minimal elements

Table 15.2.Natural security features built into quantum mechanical domains

Table 15.3.Examples of bulk–boundary directional transformations

Table 15.4.Examples of bulk–boundary correspondence relationships

Table 15.5.Long-distance and short-distance descriptions in field theory systems

Table 15.6.Eras in quantum computing, physical theory, and smart networks

Quantum Computing

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