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From: Wife 22 <Wife22@netherfieldcenter.org>

Subject: New Questions?

Date: May 15, 6:30 AM

To: researcher101 <researcher101@netherfieldcenter.org>

Researcher 101,

Is the new set of questions coming soon? I don’t want to rush you or anything, and you probably have some timetable of when you send the questions out, but I seem to have a lot of anxiety these days and answering the questions calms me down. There’s almost a meditative aspect to it. Like confession. Have any other subjects reported feeling this way?

All the best,

Wife 22

From: researcher101 <researcher101@netherfieldcenter.org>

Subject: Re: New Questions?

Date: May 15, 7:31 AM

To: Wife 22 <Wife22@netherfieldcenter.org>

Wife 22,

That’s very interesting. I haven’t heard quite that response before, but we have heard similar sentiments along the same line. Once a subject described answering the questions as “an unburdening.” I believe the anonymity has a lot to do with it. You can expect the next set of questions by the end of the week.


Researcher 101

From: Wife 22 <Wife22@netherfieldcenter.org>

Subject: Re: New Questions?

Date: May 15, 7:35 AM

To: researcher101 <researcher101@netherfieldcenter.org>

I think you’re right. Who knew anonymity could be so liberating?

Wife 22

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