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I ran up to my room and looked around. What could I put the spells in? Pens? Pencils? Paper clips? Nah, Savannah was always loaning out stuff like that in algebra. Maybe Emily had something I could use.

I had a sudden image of my sister handing me tampons just to torture me, and shuddered. No, I’d better not ask Emily. I glanced at my bedside clock. Eight fifty-six. Not too late to call for some insider advice. I grabbed a telephone book and my cordless phone.

“Hello, may I speak with Anne, please?” I said when a woman answered.

“Who is calling?” It was probably Anne’s mother, who worked in the accounting department at Coleman BioMed, Dad’s company. Not good. If she mentioned to any coworkers that I was calling Savannah’s best friend at home …

Thinking fast, I replied, “Arthur.”

“Arthur, it’s a little late for phone calls.”

At eight fifty-seven? Now I knew where Anne got her personality from. “Yes, ma’am. Sorry for the late phone call, but it’s a math emergency.” That wasn’t too much of a stretch on the truth.

“One moment.”

I heard murmuring in the background. Then Anne picked up the phone. “Why, hello, Arthur. Having trouble with that warty little problem we ran into today?” Her voice dripped with smug satisfaction.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I am. I need to know what types of things S—I mean, your friend usually carries around in her backpack.” I barely stopped myself from saying Savannah’s name out loud. Knowing my parents, they’d probably put a spell on my room to warn them if I ever said her name again.

“What doesn’t she have in there? The girl never cleans anything. Not her backpack, not her locker, not even her bedroom. Every time I sleep over at her house, I end up spending half the time cleaning her room just so I have some space to breathe. Drives me crazy!”

I pictured lacy scraps of underwear and bras lying around a sleeping Savannah, and fought to exhale. “Uh, not to interrupt the venting here, but I could use your help now.”

“Ha! I knew you couldn’t handle it on your own.” She sighed. “All right, what do you want?”


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