Читать книгу Crave - Melissa Darnell - Страница 2



A wave of pain rose up to slam into my stomach and chest, wiping the smile right off my face. This was an ache I knew far too well. It hit me every time he came within a hundred yards of me, usually before I even saw or heard him.

Michelle let out a dreamy sigh, confirming what my body already knew.

“Please let me trip him,” Anne muttered once she’d glanced back over her shoulder and spotted him, too.

I kept my gaze on Michelle, though the tiny blonde’s moonstruck expression was tough to watch. Anything to keep me facing forward.

Just a few more seconds and he’d pass right behind me. I told myself I didn’t care, even as my skin tingled with some secret knowledge all its own that he was drawing closer.

I groaned inside my head. How did he do this to me?


Even in the middle of a noisy mass of students, one girl’s laugh grabbed my attention.

I couldn’t figure out how she did it. The hallway was loud, with at least a hundred students all talking and yelling in a space only a few yards wide and a hundred yards long. But every time Savannah Colbert laughed, the husky sound somehow managed to reach out and twist up everything inside me.

I and all the rest of the descendants of the Clann had been forbidden to have anything to do with Savannah. Supposedly she was a dangerous influence or something. Whatever she was, she was definitely on the Clann’s list of social outcasts. And Mom made sure I knew it, too, constantly pounding it into my head for the past five years to “stay away from that Colbert girl.”

And yet I couldn’t stop myself from turning to look at her now.


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