Читать книгу Oscar Wilde: A Life in Letters - Оскар Уайльд, Merlin Holland, F. H. Cornish - Страница 92
To E. W. Godwin
Оглавление[19 December 1884] The Balmoral, Edinburgh
My dear Godwin, I cannot understand Sharpe’s account, enclosed. What is (1) extra painting? What is (2) 14 gas brackets? What is deal shelf overmantel and case in dining-room etc.? Sharpe has been paid first £40 for the overmantel in bedroom and drawing-room, and the sideboard—which by the bye I thought very dear—then £120 for his contract, but this new £100 takes me by surprise. I thought the £120 was for everything. Surely Green fixed the gas stoves? I may be wrong, but would you look over it again?
I hope you have been able to choose the stuffs. I don’t think the oriental blue and red hanging is big enough for two curtains on landing at drawing-room. Would you choose something for that place, and see my wife about them? I do hope to see things nearly ready when I come home—the coverings for settees especially.
I wish you were in Edinboro’ with me: it is quite lovely—bits of it. The house must be a success: do just add the bloom of colour to it in curtains and cushions. Ever yours
Wilde had been billed as one of the speakers at a meeting in Leicester of the Funeral and Mourning Reform Association which had been inaugurated the year before.