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“After my mom died, it was really hard to be here. I left Harland the day after graduation.”

Matt had never shared that with anyone, and he had no idea why he’d picked now to bare his soul. Caty put an arm partway around his shoulders, and he felt himself leaning into her.

He didn’t know why, but just having her there made him feel slightly less miserable. When he realized he wasn’t fighting it, he knew he’d gotten way too close to this sweet, understanding stranger.

Angry with himself for losing his grip, he pulled away and got to his feet. “I don’t know why I told you all that.”

“Told me what?” she responded lightly. “We’re just out here, getting some fresh air.”

Her smile promised she’d keep his emotional meltdown to herself, and he managed a halfhearted one of his own. “Thanks… You introduced yourself as Caitlin, but everyone calls you Caty. Which do you like better?”

She shrugged. “Whichever.”

After studying her for a few seconds, he decided, “I like Caty. Suits you better.”

Hometown Family

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