Читать книгу Linear and Convex Optimization - Michael H. Veatch - Страница 14

Components of an Optimization Problem


1 1. The decision variables.

2 2. The objective function to be maximized or minimized, as a function of the decision variables.

3 3. The constraints that the decision variables are subject to.

The formulation of this problem consists of the Eqs. (1.1) and the definitions of the variables. It is essential to define the variables and also good practice to label or describe the objective function and each constraint. This problem is an example of a linear program because the variables are continuous and the objective function and all constraints are linear.

Now that we have formulated the loading decisions as a linear program, how do we solve it? For and to satisfy the constraints, they must lie in the intersection of the half planes defined by these inequalities, shown in Figure 1.1. Most linear inequalities can be conveniently graphed by finding the and intercept of the corresponding equation, drawing a line between them, and checking a point not on the line, such as , to see if it satisfies the inequality. If the point satisfies the inequality, then the half‐plane is on the same side of the line as that point; if the point does not satisfy the inequality, the half‐plane is on the other side of the line as that point. For the first constraint (weight), the intercept is , the intercept is 8, and (0,0) is on the correct side of the line. Other constraints, such as , have horizontal or vertical boundary lines. Once all of the constraints have been graphed, we can identify the region (or possibly a line or a point) satisfying all the constraints. We are seeking the point in this region that has the largest value of . One way to find this point graphically is to plot contour lines for one or two values of . For example, in Figure 1.1 the contours

Figure 1.1 Region satisfying constraints for sending aid.

are graphed as dashed lines. They both intersect the shaded region, so there are points satisfying the constraints with objective function values of 24 and 36. Since all contour lines are parallel, we can visualize sweeping the line up and to the right without rotating it to find larger objective function values. The farthest contour line that touches the shaded region is shown in Figure 1.2. The point where it touches the region has the largest objective function value. This point lies on the constraint lines for weight and pallets, so we can find it by solving these two constraints with equality in place of inequality:

with solution and objective function value 44. This agrees with Figure 1.2, where the contour line drawn is . Thus, the optimal load is four pallets of tents and two pallets of food, with an expected value of 44.

Figure 1.2 Optimal point and contour for sending aid.

To summarize, to solve a linear program with two variables graphically:

Linear and Convex Optimization

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