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number, count, math13 strokes NN2353

kazo(eru), kazu, sū

SŪ 数 GAKU 学 mathematics
KAZO 数 E え RU る to count

Grains of rice (米) were COUNTED by a woman (女) at a folding table.

color6 strokes NN4956

iro, shiki

KI 黄 IRO 色 yellow
KE 景 SHIKI 色 scenery

A snake has patterns of COLOR and a barbed tongue.

Numbers 数

one1 stroke NN0001

hito(tsu), ichi

ICHI 一 one
HITO 一 TSU つ one [thing]

ONE stroke for ONE.

two2 strokes NN0072

futa(tsu), ni

NI 二 two
FUTA 二 TSU つ two [things]

TWO strokes for TWO.

three3 strokes NN0008

mi(tsu), san

SAN 三 three
MI 三 TSU つ three [things]

THREE strokes for THREE.

four5 strokes NN0938

yo(tsu), yon, shi

YON 四 four
YO 四 TSU つ four [things]

four [things]

five4 strokes NN0077

itsu(tsu), go

GO 五 five
ITSU 五 TSU つ five [things]

FIVE is only a four-stroke kanji, but there are FIVE segments.

six4 stroke NN0371

mu(tsu), roku

ROKU 六 six
MU 六 TSU つ six [thing]

Two strokes away from eight (八), you have SIX.

eight2 stroke NN0369

ya(tsu), hachi

HACHI 八 eight
YA 八 TSU つ eight [thing]

In EIGHT hundred years, the volcano that looks like an EIGHT will erupt.

seven2 stroke NN0003

nana, nana(tsu), shichi

NANA 七 seven
NANA 七 TSU つ seven [thing]

SEVEN includes elements of the two sounds of its name,

SHI し and CHI ち

nine2 stroke NN0057

kokono(tsu), kyū

KYŪ 九 nine
KOKONO 九 TSU つ nine [thing]

The angle of the clearest right angle starts at NINE and ends at noon.

ten10 stroke NN0598

tō, jū

JŪ 十 ten
TŌ 十 KA 日 the tenth [day of the month]

In Roman numerals, an X is the Roman numeral for TEN, but the kanji for TEN is rotated to look like a cross.

hundred6 stroke NN3864


HYAKU 百 hundred

A white (白) band of paper wraps around one HUNDRED one dollar bills.

thousand3 stroke NN0599

chi, sen

SEN 千 thousand
CHI 千 BA 葉 KEN 県 Chiba Prefecture

This is the profile of a centurion who has guarded a place for one THOUSAND years.

yen, circle4 stroke NN0385

maru(i), en

HYAKU 百 EN 円 100 yen

A change drawer has two divisions for CIRCLE-shaped YEN coins and a larger space for YEN notes.

ten thousand3 stroke NN0007

man, ban

ICHI 一 MAN 万 ten thousand
BAN 万 ZEN 全 perfection

One (一) place where counting takes a turn and starts in a slightly different direction (方) in Japanese is at the number TEN THOUSAND.

half, middle5 stroke NN0608

naka(ba), han

HAN 半 BUN 分 half
SAN 三 JI 時 HAN 半 half past three o’clock
NAKA 半 BA ば SU 過 GI ぎ beyond the middle

Two identical HALVES are cut with precision by a samurai sword.

departure, emit, start from9 stroke NN3860

ha(tsu), hotsu, hatsu

SHUP 出 PATSU 発 departure
HAP 発 PYŌ 表 announcement, publication
BAKU 爆 HATSU 発 explosion, eruption

As you begin your DEPARTURE from your tent in the morning, you may choose from one of two (二) paths for your journey.

graduate, soldier, private8 stroke NN0615


SOTSU 卒 GYŌ 業 graduation
CHŪ 中 SOTSU 卒 junior high graduate

Under the roof, two people (人) out of ten (十) GRADUATE with honors.

simple, one, single, merely9 stroke NN0620


KAN 簡 TAN 単 simple
TAN 単 GO 語 vocabulary

The SIMPLE addition of planting merely three bits of knowledge in a field (田) can reap benefits ten-fold (十).

co-, cooperation8 stroke NN0617


KYŌ 協 RYOKU 力 cooperation, collaboration
KYŌ 協 KAI 会 association, society, organization

When ten (十) or more people multiply their power (力) through COOPERATION, they are stronger.

Dr., PhD, wide knowledge12 stroke NN0621


HAKA 博 SE 士 doctorate, PhD, learned person
HAKU 博 BUTSU 物 KAN 館 museum

A person with a PhD oversees ten (十) fields (田) and has a WIDE KNOWLEDGE that can be measured (寸).

Colors 色

black11 strokes NN7052

kuro, koku

KURO 黒 I い black
KOKU 黒 BAN 板 blackboard

Soil (土) from the bottom of a freshly plowed field (田) runs BLACK as ink.

white5 strokes NN3863

shiro, haku, byaku

SHIRO 白 I い white
HAKU 白 CHŌ 鳥 swan
BYAKU 白 YA 夜 the midnight sun

Striking a match on the sun might initially produce very hot WHITE light.

bull’s eye, mark, adjective ending8 stroke NN3867

mato, teki

MOKU 目 TEKI 的 purpose, goal
NI 日 HON 本 TEKI 的 typically Japanese
MATO 的 mark, target

In a field of white (白), a man pulls a plow right through the soil on the MARK he was aiming for.

all, everything9 strokes NN3869

mina, minna, kai

MINA 皆 SA さ N ん all
MINNA 皆 all, everyone
KAI 皆 MOKU 目 entirely

Comparing (比) EVERYTHING that is white (白) as the sun, you will still find variation.

emperor9 strokes NN3870

kō, ō

KŌ 皇 KYO 居 Imperial Palace
KYŌ 教 KŌ 皇 Pope
HŌ 法 Ō 皇 Pope

The EMPERORS and kings (王) in a foreign land wear white (白).

red7 strokes NN5840

aka, seki, shaku

AKA 赤 I い red
SEKI 赤 JŪ 十 JI 字 Red Cross

The roots of the soil (土) are RED in color.

green14 strokes NN4528

midori, ryoku

MIDORI 緑 green
SHIN 新 RYOKU 緑 new green leaves

Heavily sowed grass thickens in GREEN layers when watered (水) well.

blue, green8 strokes NN6557

ao, sei

AO 青 I い blue
SEI 青 SHUN 春 youth

A plant sprouts its second set of branches on a BLUE moon (月).

unusual, change, strange9 strokes NN0001

ka(waru), hen

TAI 大 HEN 変 very, greatly
HEN 変 KŌ 更 change, modification
KA 変 WA わ RU る to be changed

The UNUSUAL root vegetables used in the stew cooking on the folding table under the lid smell a little STRANGE.

yellow11 strokes NN7045

ki, ō, kō

KI 黄 IRO 色 yellow, amber
I 硫 Ō 黄 sulphur

The grill has tens (十) of people ready to eat the organic YELLOW squash and other veggies skewered sideways (横).

bitter orange16 strokes NN2877

daidai, tō

DAIDAI 橙 bitter orange
TŌ 橙 SEKI 赤 SHOKU 色 orange-red, fire red

If you climb (登) the mountain beside the tree (木) to see the ORANGE sunset, take plenty of beans (豆) for energy.

purple, violet12 strokes NN4486

murasaki, shi

MURASAKI 紫 purple
SHI SHI GAI 外 ultraviolet

When mixing PURPLE grapes for grape juice with a dipper, stop (止) if you spill any on your clothes as the threads (糸) will stain.

ashes, cremate6 strokes NN3396

hai, kai

HAI 灰 IRO 色 grey, ash color
HAI 灰 NI に NA な RU る to be cremated

In the shade of a cliff (厂) were found the ASHES of a fire (火).

crimson, deep red9 strokes NN4441

beni, kurenai, kō, ku

KŌ 紅 CHA 茶 black tea
KUCHI 口 BENI 紅 lipstick
KARAKU 唐 RENAI 紅 crimson

Through a string (糸) of costly construction (工) projects, the company’s books fell into a deep CRIMSON shade of red.

tea9 strokes NN5033

cha, sa

O お CHA 茶 tea
SA 茶 DŌ 道 tea ceremony

TEA leaves, like cut grass, are dried after a person (人) pulls them from a plant, and keeps them in bunches of 10 (十).

Japanese Kanji Made Easy

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