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person, man2 strokes NN0099

hito, jin, nin

NI 日 HON 本 JIN 人 Japanese person
NANI 何 JIN 人 What nationality (is s/he)?

A PERSON stands on two legs.

Person 人, イ

hermit, wizard5 strokes NN0120


SEN 仙 DAI 台 Sendai [city]
SUI 水 SEN 仙 daffodil

A HERMIT often lives on mountains and can sometimes be a WIZARD.

attend, serve (gentleman, samurai)5 strokes NN0123

tsuka(eru), shi

SHI 仕 GOTO 事 job
SHI 仕 KATA 方 way of doing

An retainer would SERVE his samurai and ATTEND to all his needs.

assistant, help7 strokes NN0155


HO 補 SA 佐 aid, help
SA 佐 TŌ 藤 Sato [surname]

The person on the left (左) will HELP the other climb upon an I-beam.

waiter, samurai, serve8 strokes NN0192

samurai, ji

SAMURAI 侍 samurai
JI 侍 SU す RU る to serve

A SAMURAI accompanies his master to a temple (寺).

go-between, relationship6 strokes NN0140

naka, chū

NAKA 仲 YO 良 SHI し close friend
CHŪ 仲 NIN 人 match maker

A GO-BETWEEN gets in the middle (中) of things to help foster a new RELATIONSHIP.

help, assist7 strokes NN0150

yū, u

TEN 天 YŪ 佑 divine aid
YŪ 佑 SUKE 介 Yusuke [male name]

A person comes to HELP the person on the right (右) climb upon a box.

dwell, reside7 strokes NN0164

su(mu), jū

SU 住 MU む to reside
JŪ 住 TAKU 宅 residence, housing

A man had to ask the landlord for permission to RESIDE in the building where he wanted to LIVE.

attach, adhere5 strokes NN0124

tsu(ku), tsu(ke), ~zuke, fu

TSU 付 KE け RU る to attach
HI 日 ZUKE 付 date
FU 付 SEN 箋 sticky-note, post-it

A man measures (寸) a space to ATTACH new fixtures and to ADHERE pictures to the wall.

rest6 strokes NN0142

yasu(mu), kyū

YASU 休 MU む to rest
KYŪ 休 JITSU 日 day off

A person can REST against a tree (木).

accompany8 strokes NN0195

sona(eru), tomo, kyō, ku

KO 子 DOMO 供 child
KYŌ 供 SHUTSU 出 delivery

A third person ACCOMPANIES his two friends at table.

make, build7 strokes NN0167

tsuku(ru), saku, sa

TSUKU 作 RU る to make
SAKU 作 BUN 文 writing [essay, etc.], composition
SA 作 GYŌ 業 operation, work

This man will MAKE finishing touches on his new bookcase.

expand, stretch, increase7 strokes NN0163

no(basu), shin

NO 伸 BA ば SU す to lengthen
SHIN 伸 SHUKU 縮 elastic

A person STRETCHES to read a tall sign post as an advertiser EXPANDS his business.

transmit6 strokes NN0141

tsuta(eru), den

TSUTA 伝 E え RU る to transmit
TE 手 TSUDA 伝 U う to lend a hand
DEN 伝 SETSU 説 legend, folklore

A person TRANSMITS two (二) lines of information to me.

使use8 strokes NN0196

tsuka(u), shi

TSUKA 使 U う to use
SHI 使 YŌ 用 utilization, application

A man USES a table saw to cut one piece of wood.

borrow, rent10 strokes NN0259

ka(riru), sha

KA 借 RI り RU る to rent
SHAK 借 KIN 金 debt

Truly old (昔) things are only BORROWED by us over tens (十) and tens of days (日), or RENTED.

enter, insert2 strokes NN0366

i(reru), hai(ru), nyū

HAI 入 RU る to go in
I 入 RE れ RU る to put in
NYŪ 入 GAKU 学 SHIKI 式 school entrance ceremony

A person (人) leans back as he ENTERS a room.

inside, within, between, house, home4 strokes NN0386

uchi, nai

UCH 内 within, house, home
AN 案 NAI 内 information, to guide

A person (人) hangs INSIDE an enclosure.

now4 strokes NN0112

ima, kon, kin

IMA 今 now
KON 今 SHŪ 週 this week

NOW, look at the person (人) in mid-air jumping a hurdle.

meeting, meet, association, join6 strokes NN0143

a(u), kai, e

KAI 会 SHA 社 company
A 会 U う to meet
SHA 社 KAI 会 social studies

I will MEET with another to rehearse one or two (二) lines.

umbrella12 strokes NN0283

kasa, san

KASA 傘 umbrella
SAN 傘 KA 下 affiliated

One man acts as an UMBRELLA for four to ten (十) of his closest friends.

all, entire6 strokes NN0145

matta(ku), sube(te), zen

ZEN 全 BU 部 all, everything
SUBE 全 TE て all, everything
MAT 全 TAKU く really, truly

ALL people in a king’s (王) ENTIRE realm were his subjects.

change, take the form of, -ization4 strokes NN0580

ba(keru), ka, ke

BUN 文 KA 化 culture, civilization
BA 化 KE け RU る to take the form of
O お BA 化 KE け goblin, ghost

A person uses a spoonful of spice to CHANGE the flavor and make it TAKE THE FORM OF a new dish.

what7 strokes NN0169

nan, nani, ka

NAN 何 or
NANI 何 what

When someone wonders WHAT something is, he might both measure it for size and taste it.

temporary, assumed (name), informal6 strokes NN0144

kari, ka

KA 仮 SŌ 想 virtual
KARI 仮 NI に temporarily

A man sets up a TEMPORARY table at the base of a cliff (厂).

example8 strokes NN0193

tato(eru), rei

TATO 例 E え BA ば for example
REI 例 example

A person holds up the kanji for evening (夕) that has been cut with a knife as an EXAMPLE of how to maximize efforts.

便convenience9 strokes NN0219

tayo(ri), ben, bin

BEN 便 RI 利 convenient
YŪ 郵 BIN 便 mail

A tall mailbox is a CONVENIENCE for a tall person.

wound, injure, pain13 strokes NN0301

kizu, ita(mu), shō

SHŌ 傷 SHIN 心 heartbreak
FU 負 SHŌ 傷 wound
ITA 傷 MU む to be damaged, to go bad

A person with too much sun (日) can become INJURED or their hair may fall out from the stress of their WOUNDS.

bag, bale, sack10 strokes NN0243

tawara, hyō

HYŌ 俵 SŪ 数 number of bales
KOMED 米 AWARA 俵 bag of rice

A wealthy merchant took BAGS of garments (衣) to the samurai (士) lord as tax.

individual, counter for articles10 strokes NN0258


DŌ ドー NA ナ TSU ツ NI 2 KO 個 two doughnuts
KO 個 JIN 人 private person, individual

A person has a box with an INDIVIDUAL object that is very old (古).

price, cost, value10 strokes NN0257

ne, atai, chi

KA 価 CHI 値 value
NE 値 DAN 段 price
ATAI 値 SU す RU る to be worth, to deserve

A person should PRICE goods on a shelf with his own eyes (目) at least ten (十) times to check COSTS.

double, twice, times10 strokes NN0252


NI 二 BAI 倍 twice
BAI 倍 SŪ 数 multiple

A person standing (立) on a box can be heard TWICE as loud.

side11 strokes NN0275

gawa, soba, soku

Japanese Kanji Made Easy

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