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The topic of health comes up in many conversations and it happens every day in many of our salutations. When you see or meet other people such as family, friends, and perhaps someone you have just met, it is very common and customary for us to start a conversation with an expression “How are you?” Most of time, we receive a response “I'm good,” or “We're okay,” or “I'm fine.” Other times, and more likely with family and close friends, we get intimate details such as “I am not feeling too good,” or “My wife and I have been sick with a cold,” or “My daughter was recently in the hospital for a sports-related knee injury.” These conversations normally lead to further and more detailed discussions about us and our wellbeing. Conversations and discussions around health can be attributed to its natural presence and ominous impact on all of us.

Figure 1.3 Major Advancements in Healthcare

Source: Author.

The state of healthcare is ever-evolving, highly dynamic, and thought-provoking. Over the past few decades, the world of healthcare has changed dramatically and presents many opportunities for healthcare organizations to embark on an exciting journey. Many things have improved, new discoveries have been made, and change is constant. Over the course of the authors' careers, there are three major areas shaping the state of healthcare (See Figure 1.3). They are health technology, medical research, and medical procedures. Let's with health technology.

Transforming Healthcare Analytics

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