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I would like to thank the hundreds of students who attended my classes on research methods and statistics. They gave me valuable feedback on what worked and what didn’t in the teaching sessions, the notes, and exercises. Irja Haapala and Peter Emery at King's College London took over the reins when I was working on other projects and made helpful contributions to the notes and slides. Charles Zaiontz at Real Statistics kindly helped with the Wilcoxon U table, and Ellen Marshall at Sheffield Hallam University very helpfully made available the data on diet for the two‐way analysis of variance. Mary Hickson at the University of Plymouth made helpful comments on the text. Mary Hickson, Sarah Berry, and Wendy Hall at King's College London, and Charlotte Evans at the University of Leeds kindly made data sets available. Thanks to the many colleagues who said, ‘You should turn the notes into a book!’ Stephanie, Rob, Tom, Cherie, and Cora all gave me great encouragement to keep going and get the book finished. Tom and Cora deserve a special thanks for the illustrations of statisticians. The Javamen supplied the coffee. Finally, I would like to thank Sandeep Kumar, Yogalakshmi Mohanakrishnan, Thaatcher Missier Glen, Mary Aswinee Anton, James Schultz, Madeleine Hurd, and Hayley Wood at Wiley’s for bearing with me over the years, and for their support, patience and encouragement.