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Football is America’s passion, it is our diversion from reality, it is the scratch that itches our urge for primal combat.

“American football makes rugby look like a Tupperware party.” Sue Lawley

In order to have credibility in the national conversation, you have to know the rules and where they apply. For that, you need to go back to the basics; back to where it all started - where fundamentals are taught, where the rules are enforced, where character traits are developed, where the team comes first, where the fun is, where the excitement is, where everyone has a place - you need to go back to youth football where the “How” is more important than the “What”.

Football is more than a sport. Football is a model of long term planning and team building, of building character traits and physical fitness, of setting expectations, of communication, execution, self examination and evolution. It is a model that can be applied to any team, in any sport, at any level or just as easily to any organization, business or family.

Here are the tools that make football great:

Football Rules

Football Rules govern our game regardless of competition level. Some rules are so important; they are elevated to Commandment status. This book contains the Coach’s Twelve Commandments and The Player’s Ten Commandments.

Coach’s First Commandant

Thou Shalt Build the Offensive Line First

The offensive line is the most important element of a football team

Player’s Fourth Commandment

Thou Shalt Listen To and Follow Instructions

Teams have rules for running, catching, blocking and tackling among other things. Players must listen to the way the coach wants it done and follow his instructions.

The rules of football are written in stone and are not negotiable. They are unwavering and determine the outcome of games, teams and careers. Most of the games lost Saturdays and Sundays are because rules were broken.

Football 101

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