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Football Players


The hijacker

The difference between a Football Player and an Athlete: “A Football Player is an athlete who puts the team first, an Athlete puts himself first. You can use athletes, you just can’t depend on them.”-Pops

Football Players are a source of pride for families and their community. They need three things to have long term success:

1. Solid fundamentals:

2. Warrior Mentality.

3. ”Good” character traits.

Here is what happens when you have the total package: We had a player hurt on the second half kickoff, so we told the QB to call a few plays. He brought the team to the line and called an audible. Our system was simple but we had not used it all season. He looked for an open hole and called a 247. The last number was dead so he is calling for a 24 Ice. The 2 back through the 4 hole. Everyone gets the call and we got 10 yards. He went to the line and called another play, 8 yards.We had finished with the injured player- The QB now had no need for coaches, he is hijacking the team. He and the team were moving down the field. The defense could not stop the drive so they decide to blitz (linebackers come to the line and plug all of the holes). The QB sees everyone on the line and instead of panicking he audibles to a dump pass to the tight end (Red Jimmy). Incredible call under pressure. There was no one within 10 yards of him as he caught the pass and walked in for a TD.

What makes this so remarkable? The QB, most of the offensive line and the tight end were all 7.

How tough are 7 years olds?

The same season we were having our last practice before the championship game. The offensive line came to the line. Our guard squatted like a toad with a cramp. All of a sudden a puddle started to form under him. We really did not know what to say so we let him finish. After practice we asked why he didn’t ask to go to the bathroom. He said “I didn’t want to miss practice.”

Technically sound, dedicated warriors, with great character traits, can do anything, at any age.

How smart are 7 year olds?

In that championship game we were down 14-0 in the first half. Our offensive coordinator, Bill Kidwell, showed great discipline as he stuck with the game plan and the team marched down the field and scored. We got the extra point 14-7. We get the ball back and march the ball down again as the clock is running down. We scored. 14-13. For the extra point I step in and decide to use the #1 running back as the decoy and give it to the full back who is stopped on the 1 foot line. We lose.

It was all my fault but what do anklebiters know. As we are driving home, the jeep was quiet. My 7 year old looks at me and says “Why didn’t you run Lamar on the last play?” I asked “Are you saying I blew the game!?!”. His comeback was pretty quick, “yeah you did.”

Football 101

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