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2.2 Partnering with friends


Many people understand that partnerships take work and require compromise. They also think an effective solution to the problem is to partner with a friend. After all, when you have someone that you’ve known for years, things should be a little easier, right? You understand your friend. Your friend understands you and you have similar goals. All in all, things should work. Well, unfortunately, being in a business together adds a lot of extra stress and strain to your relationship that you would never have experienced without forming a partnership.

For, as much as partnerships require compromise to survive, they also require leadership. In fact, sometimes someone has to step up and take the lead and sometimes someone has to follow. In friendships “agreeing to disagree” can work because the impact of that decision doesn’t directly affect your welfare and future success, but in your business it’s a different story. Your idea of what you should do in business could be very different from your friend’s idea. Partnerships with friends test loyalties and friendships.

In the Appendixes, you will find my “Interviews with the Pros.” Interview 4 discusses the partnership experience of designer Ken Logue. He has more than 18 years of experience in the design field. He has worked in large and small agencies as an employee, and he has started his own design businesses, both as a solo entrepreneur and in partnerships.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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