Читать книгу The Boyfriend Book - Micheal E. Reid - Страница 21


The Promise

Let what we build here

Stand the tests of time,

The tests of this crazy world,

And the tests of love.

In your darkest of moments,

When you can’t seem to find

the shade of makeup

to magnify your melanin,

When the only thing more confusing

than your past

is your future

And the presents

aren’t coming in fast enough…

I pray that you will always find your way to

either the mall

Or my arms.

Because anything your money can’t buy

A good man will make you feel

like you don’t even need.

Together we will conquer

anything life throws at us.

Use me.

To heal whichever part of your soul hurts.

To fill whatever voids some man left

the day he realized you were

Too much woman.

Find Me.

Or find enough peace, patience, and power

to reject the things

you cannot change.

Enough gas left in the tank

to drive toward the things you can,

And enough sober nights to know the difference.

When you’re at a fork in the road

Between the woman you are,

and the woman someone else wants you to be,

Adjust your crown.

Remember how long it took for you to get here,

How hard you fought to become her.

Promise that who you are,

who you want to be,

and whom you decide to love

Will always be your choice,

On your terms,

And never, ever, conflict

with what you stand for.

The Boyfriend Book

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