Читать книгу The Boyfriend Book - Micheal E. Reid - Страница 8
ОглавлениеTo the Women
When you read this book, I want you to know that this world is a dangerous place on its own, and it is even more dangerous when you have to let strangers in. I wrote this book as a precautionary measure. For some women, it could be just a different way of looking at a particular subject, but for other women, this book could be a way for you to change your life. The possibilities are endless, but are also, ultimately, up to you. The only thing that I can say is this: I need you to ask yourself where you were before you opened this book. Then I need you to figure out where you want to be. Then see how this book can be used to get you there.
In a perfect world, I would want to believe that you can meet somebody and commit to them and not have to worry about anything else, because everybody in the world would be good, and everybody in the world would have your best interests at heart. But everybody knows that everybody in the world isn’t like that.
Unfortunately, while some women are pretty decent judges of character, some women don’t see the train coming until it hits them.
I wrote this book for you, specifically you, about this one specific topic. I just hope you appreciate it and enjoy it as much as I did.
Read it slow. Plant the seed. Let it grow.
Michael E. Reid