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I am extremely grateful to the following people who made this novel the best it could be: for his theological and Biblical perspective and authentication, Reverend James Yeakel, OSFS, pastor of Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church in Elkton, Md., MA in Theology and PhD in Clinical Social Work, former college professor and licensed clinical therapist; for his historical research and current knowledge regarding the Navajo people and traditions portrayed in this book, Bernhardt Dotson, MA, former journalist and current public relations director of Diné College, a four-year, tribally controlled college serving the 27,000-square-mile Navajo Nation with campuses in Arizona and New Mexico; for their help in authenticating characters, storylines and settings in the book: Eileen Thompson, BS, CRPS, CSCAD, assistant program director and licensed addiction counselor at Harbor of Grace Enhanced Recovery Center in Havre de Grace, Md.; Patricia Lake, MA, adjunct professor and teacher; Teri Repetsky Speck, RN, BSN; Jennifer Coulter, RN, BSN; and Tonya Schulte, a business owner in Phoenix, AZ; and for his unwavering support and undying love, my husband Bill Chynoweth.

The Jealous Son

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