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Limit Your Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)


In diabetes, or whenever refined sugar is consumed, another metabolic condition may occur, which is the glycation of proteins (Munch, Deuther-Conrad, and Gasic-Milenkovic, 2002). Glycation happens when blood sugar levels are too high, triggering glucose to bind to a protein. Glycation generates abnormal proteins that may do enormous damage when incorporated into cell and tissues. During the glycation process, free radicals are generated, known as “advanced glycation end products” (AGEs). These AGEs are a possible source of oxidative stress. This type of oxidative stress occurs particularly in people with a diet high in refined sugars and starches or, in the case of diabetes, in people with insulin resistance and/or pancreas malfunction. The glycation of proteins and their free radical AGEs have an external source, as well. Whenever meats are subjected to high heat, such as being grilled, fried, or overcooked, glycation and AGEs are generated. The high heat oxidizes the proteins, and then they bind with the glucose in the meat. When these foods are consumed, most of the abnormal proteins are not utilized and are discarded before they are digested, but the AGEs are still there, increasing the body's oxidative stress. And as previously stated, oxidative stress is considered to be a causative factor in AD.

Alzheimer's Disease

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