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I wrote this book to empower people to take control of their own health. Even though we are aging, certain lifestyle changes can and will improve our nutritional, environmental, and emotional well-being.

There are many simple things that we can do to improve the overall health of our bodies. At present, it can be stated with certainty that the whole body is affected by its nutritional status. As demonstrated by many studies, dietary factors play major roles in determining whether the brain ages successfully or declines as a result of neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, the rewards of consistently eating a nutritious diet are definitely worthwhile. With this book, I hope to show how easy it is to make lifestyle changes that will allow us to reap the rewards of growing old gracefully.

The information in the readings of Edgar Cayce inspired me to change my life for the better by making numerous small changes not only for my body's physical health but also for my mental and spiritual health. The amazing insights of the Cayce readings and the latest medical research on Alzheimer's disease and inflammation compelled me to write this book.

My introduction to Edgar Cayce happened in 1982 when I read Jess Stearn's book, Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet. I signed up as an A.R.E. member halfway through the book and have been studying the Cayce readings ever since. Edgar Cayce is considered the Father of Holistic Medicine, and his work inspired me to achieve a PhD in Holistic Nutrition.

The Edgar Cayce readings have always fascinated me because they were meant to engage our very being, or essence, on so many levels. His language requires concentration to read and understand what he was trying to convey on those different levels. The first sets of levels were personal, universal, and metaphysical. Within those he incorporated more levels: the spirit, the mind, and the physical. As I have matured, I have noticed that the same reading or passage that I read in previous years will give me a new meaning—as though I were reading it for the first time. I believe that an important part of sustaining a healthy brain is learning to understand various aspects of our lives on a completely new level. Allowing our perceptions to change helps our brains to stay fit.

Following are some of the Cayce “gems” that have helped me on different levels. The numbers after a quote relate to the person who received the reading and the number of readings that the person received. Edgar Cayce's readings were organized this way because he gave over 14,000 readings, and these assigned numbers protected the person's identity. The numbered readings allowed anyone to reference a reading for research—hence the name of the organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.).

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

…But hold to the ideal. Choose aright, and then go straight ahead; knowing that the Lord helps those who help themselves provided their purposes are not of a selfish or egotistical nature.


The “ideal” is central to Edgar Cayce's philosophy. It is your guiding light in this world. My personal ideal is the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.” My other ideal, which incorporates my main outlook on life, is “Celebrate the work of the Creative Spirit through nature.” Everyone's ideal will be different and in tune with his or her unique life.

…For the only sin of man is selfishness! (Q) How may it be overcome? (A) Just as has been given; showing mercy, showing grace, showing peace, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness—even under the most trying circumstances…


Cayce called these attributes the “fruits of the Spirit.” He states repeatedly in his readings that “Mind is the Builder” and that the fruits of the Spirit are love, peace, patience (long-suffering), kindness, gentleness, mercy, and grace.

…but learn to use well that had in hand, then more may be given thee. Remember the talents!


(Q) How can people avoid aging in appearance?

(A) The mind!


This idea is intriguing on so many levels!

And finally, I like this quote from the readings:

Let not thy heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Him—who is able to quicken the life as it flows through thy body, thy mind, thy soul, to a full regeneration in the material world, then hope in the mental, then truth in the spiritual…


Alzheimer's Disease

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