Читать книгу Английский за каникулы - Михаил Борисович Ларюнин - Страница 11

Базовый уровень
Занятие 7



– В этом занятии предлагается повысить скорость произнесения временных форм, включая вопросительные и отрицательные на английском языке с любым выбранным глаголом до рекомендованных 30 секунд

Упражнения на скорость. Обязательно проговаривайте вслух.

Упражнение 1. Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения. 1.5 мин.

Образец: Will the student play chess? (guitar) – No, the student won’t play chess, he will play the guitar.

1.Will he go to school? (university) 2. Will she sing well? (bad) 3. Will they play football? (volleyball) 4. Will we cook dinner? (lunch) 5. Will she paint a picture? (to go to the sports club) 6. Will it rain (to snow) 7. Will they learn English? (to write tests) 8. Will Mary and Jim go to the country every day? (once a week) 9. Will mother and father work in the factory? (to work in the office) 10. Will he learn English? (French) 11. Will the student have an exam on Friday at five? (on Sunday)

Упражнение 2. Вопросы к подлежащему. 1 мин.

Образец: He will go to school. (who) – Who will go to school?

1.Mary will go to the country. (who) 2. He will play chess. (who) 3. His brother will watch TV (whose brother) 4. My mother will cook well. (whose mother) 5. Their friends will speak English (whose friends). 6. My parents will spend their holiday in the country. (whose parents) 7. The girl will make many mistakes. (who) 8. His uncle will buy a car. (whose uncle) 9. My granny will wear glasses. (who) 10. Mickey and Frank will live in Russia. (who). 11. Five students in our group will learn French. (how many student)

Упражнение 3. Специальные вопросы. 2 мин.

Образец: He will live in a big house. (where) – Where will he live?

She will live in a big house. (what kind of house) – What kind of house will she live?

1.They will go to work every day. (how often, where) 2. He will often play the guitar. (how often) 3. She will study at school. (where) 4. They will have much money. (how much). 5. John will drink two cups of coffee a day. (how many) 6. He will read English books every day at school. (what books, how often, where). 7. They will live in Moscow (who, where) 8. The girls will go in for sports. (what to do) 9. He will buy stamps in the post-office. (where, what) 10. The dog will play with its two puppies. (how many). 11. The student in our group will have English at five. (what language, what time).

Английский за каникулы

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