Читать книгу Английский за каникулы - Михаил Борисович Ларюнин - Страница 12
Базовый уровень
Занятие 8
– В этом занятии предлагается повысить скорость произнесения временных форм, включая вопросительные и отрицательные на английском языке с любым выбранным глаголом до рекомендованных 30 секунд
Упражнения на скорость. Обязательно проговаривайте вслух.
Упражнение 1. Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения. 1.5 мин.
Образец: Will Tom be writing a test? (to learn a poem) -No, Tom won’t be writing a test. He will be learning a poem.
1.Will he be going to school? (university) 2. Will she be singing well? (bad) 3. Will they be playing football? (volleyball) 4. Will we be cooking dinner? (lunch) 5. Will she be painting a picture? (to go to the sports club) 6. Will it be raining? (to snow) 7. Will they be learning English? (to write tests) 8. Will Mary and Jim be going to the country? (to go home) 9. Will mother and father be working in the factory? (to work in the office) 10. Will he be learning English? (French) 11. Will the student be having an exam on Friday at five? (at six).
Упражнение 2. Вопросы к подлежащему. 1 мин.
Образец: He will be going to school. (who) – Who will be going to school?
1.Mary will be going to the country. (who) 2. He will be playing chess. (who) 3. His brother will be watching TV (whose brother) 4. My mother will be cooking lunch. (whose mother) 5. Their friends will be speaking English (whose friends). 6. My parents will be watching TV the country. (whose parents) 7. The girl will be reading a book. (who) 8. His uncle will be washing his car. (whose uncle) 9. My granny will be cleaning her shoes. (who) 10. Mickey and Frank will be flying to Russia. (who). 11. Five students in our group will be learning French. (how many students).
Упражнение 3. Специальные вопросы. 2 мин.
Образец: He will be playing football. (what game) – What game will he be playing?