Читать книгу Unquenchable thirst of love… - Михаил Годов - Страница 16

Unquenchable thirst of love…
sonnet book
(Part one)
The name of rose
Sonnet 75


I long for passion to be shared

And still I suffer all this thirst

It's so insatiable. I dare

To reach love's temple, so inmost

Pray to your eyes, your silhouette

And deepest secret of the wame

I pray as restlessly as that

Naivety's in all I say.

I pray insanely, without measure

I'm whispering to you each sentence.

Love is the only creed I treasure —

I tell in worship and entrancement!

I long to melt with you in it

So our prayer'll be complete.

Unquenchable thirst of love…

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