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The first editions of this guide were published as two books in 2004, one for each of the two parks. For this edition, we have combined the two books into one, primarily because the two parks, even though they have two names and encompass two geographic areas, are managed as one unit. Publishing one guide produces a fairly hefty, but more seamless treatise on the heart of the High Sierra. Besides, most backpackers do not carry an entire guidebook in their packs anyway, since they can photocopy the sections specific to a particular trip.

The near-record winter of 2010–2011 and subsequent late-arriving summer drastically shortened the 2011 backpacking season. Consequently, I was unable to complete as much fieldwork as I would have preferred, although I have made every attempt to ensure that all the information in the second edition is as up to date as possible. If you discover errors, please bring them to the attention of Wilderness Press.

The greater Sequoia-Kings Canyon region remains one of my most favorite destinations for dayhiking, backpacking, and climbing. May this guide help you to discover the incomparable riches of the Range of Light.

Thanks to the Creator for the majesty of creation and specifically for the wonder and beauty of the High Sierra. My gratitude also goes to my wife, Robin, without whom none of my projects would gain any traction. Having solo hiked much of the Sequoia and Kings Canyon backcountry, I have been fortunate to have company on many trips and would like to thank fellow travelers Stephen White, Carmel Bang, Tic Long, Andy Montessoro, Bob Redding, Chris Taylor, Dal and Candy Hunter, Lisa Kafchinsky, Art Barkely, Joe Tavares, Kim Small, Darrin Munson, Keith Catlin, and Jerry Hapgood.

Emerald Lake on the Lakes Trail (Trip 43)

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

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