Читать книгу Love will save the Planet. Fantasy - Mikhail Kurseev - Страница 2

Part one
Kingdom of Anaco


Somewhere far away, among the Land on the shores of the warm dark blue sea there is a small, but very old beautiful country. Nowadays it’s either the Princedom, or the Duchy, but earlier in ancient times it was the glorious Kingdom of Anako. Many years ago, even very small countries carried the title of Kingdom. The wise and matured kings governed them and their heirs were their sons, the beautiful and fearless princes. Today there are wonderful sandy beaches, which look like gold placers under the shine of the rays of the southern sun. The ancient beautiful castles with high spires on round towers, surrounded by well – kept gardens with exotic fruits and amazing flowers and fragrances astonish by their greatness. Two-stored houses of ordinary people are made of white stone and havered tiled roofs. The cozy yards of the houses are entirely covered with perennial green vineyards with huge bunches of fragrant and sweet berries.

Since the time when that extremely interesting and illustrative story has happened, surprisingly kind and happy people live in Anako.

If you ask why is it so? What is the reason? It is evident, and the answer is in the fact that all the people of that country realized that the secret of true happiness is not in wealth and money, but in great, genuine kindness and love. All of them know and remember that greed and evil are born only by destruction, death and misfortune, and kindness and unselfishness bring happiness and love.

This interesting, fiction – like story happened in that kingdom many, many years ago, and it is an absolutely true. Sometimes such kind of stories happened in the other parts of our planet.

Love will save the Planet. Fantasy

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