Читать книгу Love will save the Planet. Fantasy - Mikhail Kurseev - Страница 6

Part one
Golden acorns


The weather was beautiful, the breeze was blowing from the sea, the summer heat is not tired, air, life – giving oxygen fed the ancient forest was filled with aromas of blooming wild flowers and berries. If the path is not went through such a dense thicket, the campaign might seem a cakewalk, but the work is exhausting axes, all felt an irresistible desire to fatigue and fall in green grass on one of the lawns and a little rest.

After five hours of hard path through the thickets of the forest the travelers came to a fairly wide clearing, like a good hard – packed forest road that went right by the sea. Prince decided to move to the left inland. The move has become much easier, and it seemed that fatigue has passed by itself, travelers mood markedly improved. A little winding through the trees, the road went uphill, later, led to a small, but quite rapidly the current rivulet. In the shallows of the gray stone boulders in the sun shone silver large trout, a fish hard to break into the flow upstream of the river in foaming jets of water inland. River rapid flow eroded beaches and places exposed roots growing trees, green crown the greatest, sometimes touching the huge trees growing on the opposite side, forming a vivid emerald arcade above the water.

The prince offered to do a little bit of a halt and rest on the bank of the river. A place to relax was perfect, shade trees to hide the tired travelers from the heat and icy pure water from the river, unlike the one that they had in stock, thirst – quenching two sips. On the bank grew prickly bramble, entirely covered with black ripe fruit.

One of the sailors of the great branches of hazel cleverly planed ax spear, which got in the shallows of a few large trout easily. On fire, putting on sticks, fried fish, and well refreshed by it, washed down lunch with spring water of a mountain river. After a short rest and a delicious lunch at the Travelers forces markedly increased.

They set off again and soon came to a large forest clearing, which grew in the midst of an unusually huge oak tree, shining in the sun with their acorns. When they came closer, the amazement of the team did not was the limit. Acorns, fallen oak, were made of pure gold, and green acorn caps turned into silver.

All numb froze, wide-eyed, not daring to stir in the air hung ominous and oppressive silence. It seemed that the denunciations are still singing forest birds and then fell silent, though the chorus of birds was not paying any attention to the travelers, and continued competition ringing a lot of voice, filling the woods fairy music trills.

Prince Mark realized that they had reached their goal and in anticipation of a possible attack Messenger black forces of the Milky Way, instinctively grabbed the hilt of the magic sword, without removing it from its sheath.

Demon through their channels of telepathy for a minute did not stop monitoring of each member of the team, even in the evening, as soon as the ship docked in the lagoon, the messenger of black forces sent to its fifty – bats, which invisibly now follow every sailor and Prince. He gloated when people are making their way through the impenetrable thicket, waiting every minute, someone was angry with the Prince, and began to murmur. But while all the men were loyal to the oath, no one grumbled. The demon was sure that if they to B has not broken the difficulty hike, the glint of gold will outshine their eyes and mind necessarily awaken in them the animal instincts of greed. He was convinced that greed will ignite in their minds and souls of all the vices: and hatred, and malice, and deceit, motivate for treason and betrayal. That’s when evil will prevail, and will he, the demon personally enjoy his victory over Prince’s virtue, and if he does not want to betray their own people, and father, will remain here forever.

– Ha, ha, ha, – echoes trembled diabolical dungeon.

– Anyone not to touch anything, – broke the oppressive silence of the Prince loudly repeated the order twice – if someone touches to this gold, I cut off his hand, which will take him the filthy lucre. He does not bring happiness, think of his older brothers and fathers, where are they, who knows? I know that this witching metal ruined them. Soon it was dark, so we return to the river and spend the night there, and in the morning decide what we do next.

Demon, I was already looking forward to his victory, but after seeing how the men obeyed the orders of Prince Mark indignantly banged his fist on the table so that once again it quivered dungeon.

– Well, – he shouted, – look, whose strength will prevail! It is a pity that I can not teleport man, his body belongs to the soul, and the soul of man to God, and I am powerless before him. But I can enter into the mind of man, as soon as there appear black thoughts, but they soon will have, my gold will do the trick, I’m sure. I can take a man himself only when God takes away the soul, but without a soul dies and the consciousness of man, and why should I black man without ideas and thoughts, without dark energy? For me, a black person the energy for both predator meat like a bull hay. Stupid people do not even know that only through their black thoughts and sins we demons and live for a thousand years, and they are like worms and ants feed us with their stupidity and greed. Even hard to imagine what would happen if mankind will not kill each other, steal, deceive. The dark forces while we eat? We will disappear, and they – little people will live happily in love and harmony? Well, I do not! We never dark forces is not valid, we will always find among the people of who his black ruin of thousands, millions of their own kind. We will do the king, the king, anyone, help him get over the dead bodies, steal and kill. And then he and his people will be ours. It is only in their human tales of good wins and we’re not a fairy tale, we are history, people have a short memory, and we demons are forever – so long talked aloud messenger black forces. Ah, if he heard people? And yet… In so people know, but…

Eyes sailors burned uncontrollably on the type of the countless treasures, but apparently the determination of the prince and his menacing look with his hand on the sword a few cool them, and they obeyed him. All in silence, with a scowl moved to the river where previously stayed at the camp. Prince ordered to get edible supplies and start the evening meal. Makeshift table laid out on the grass, stuck food looked appetizing, but when I sat down to eat, that is, about the piece is not climb into his throat, as if someone squeezed it. Prince Mark tried to distract them from gloomy thoughts, fun and a joker with gusto was eating for both cheeks smoked meat from a young calf, but even by his example, I could not call on the gloomy faces of your subjects smile. Like delinquent boys, men frowned and was silent, each thinking of his. All this did not like the Prince, he had no good feeling about it but he could do nothing in this situation. Was beginning to get dark, and in the forest darkens very quickly, the prince has given time for two people in a changing of the guard on duty at night and went to sleep, the bed themselves down on the ground a light raincoat. He had not been able to sleep, anxious thoughts awakened imagination, but in the end, fatigue accumulated during the day, took her, and around midnight he slept strong young dream.

Wood drowned in night and darkness enveloped in complete silence, only occasionally heard in the distance some sounds, like an owl or some other bird, and a long, dull uhala. Barely audible in the river gurgled water, and sometimes could hear bursts of fish, apparently she did not care that day, that night, because trying diligently to overcome the current and rapids of the river. Two guards that were sitting around the fire, silently looking ate on fire and everyone thinks l about her. About Steel sailors were sent to bed, lying with his eyes closed, but no one slept. Seen the day catching up on wealth to mind all sorts of thoughts, sometimes such that they wanted to drive away, but they came again and again to the sailors in the head.

The demon continued to watch the sailors lying on the ground and waited, read their thoughts and watched as those recruited gradually more and more hatred of his poor life, to themselves and the world around them. They have dreamed and built himself plans for the future, when they will have a lot of gold and become rich. Their thoughts were about how they have experienced the poverty and humiliation, becoming rich, and now they shall humiliate the poor and disadvantaged, they will live idly in luxury. None of them did not even think about how to wealth obtained can be used for good deeds, help others. No, their thoughts under the weight of greed caused by the glitter of gold, were dark and gloomy, everyone was ready to go on the offense for the fulfillment of their low desires.

Messenger black forces exulted a little more and he will achieve his, he felt already the smell of betrayal and treason. Joy, he jumped and ran, hopping from one corner, saying: – Well, soon stand up and kill his captain, pathetic and disgusting, little people, kill him while he sleeps. All that he – the spawn of evil speaking, transmitted by invisible channels through telepathy invisible bats right consciousness sailors. At the end of all their minds completely clouded, and he complied fully power all —powerful demon.

If, having agreed in advance, and they jumped all at once attacked the prince fast asleep. The young man had a great strength and was armed, but he could do sleep with ten healthy men mad? Someone cleverly snatched from under the sword of the prince’s head and threw it in the thick grass that grew beside the barbed bramble bushes, the rest piled and tied his captain. They did not kill him, as required by their demon, probably still somewhere in the subconscious of many still warm remains of mercy and good germs that are inspired by their example they Prince. They dragged him away, gagged his mouth and just tied the rope to the trunk of a thick tree, so that he could not stop them to carry out their plans.

Demon, watching this scene, jumped for joy at the site so that hurt hit the Ceiling approx its lair. He exulted: – Gold, but Gold and greed never you, the little people, will not allow us to win over the black forces, we are a thousand years, no one hundred thousand, always will control you. Ha, ha, ha, – he laughed hysterically, shaking filthy stinking mixture for breathing in his home.

He never for a moment stopped observing and the events taking place on a ship in the lagoon, and also sent on channels telepathy its black fluids in mind the most exposed to the sailors. Only the chief mate did not yield witchcraft dark forces, a noble officer, devoid of feelings of self-interest, has been faithful to the oath of kings and princes, he kept his mind.

By the evening the ship began excitement among the team members, someone started a rumor that they were deceived, as if the prince found the gold, and sailed on the ship, which was waiting for them on the other side of the island. Someone shouted: – We’ve been betrayed.

Mate, drew his pistol, declared:

– I will kill anyone who dares to try to disembark, we will wait for the prince. His entreaties could not calm the ship’s command, he could only threats to deter the morning riot.

But just as the sailors that were with the prince in the woods all night channeled telepathic demon inspired team, the rest of the ship, dark thoughts, and those, too, as if smelling the nearby gold gradually forgot about everything except the desire to possess it. No one in the corvette did not sleep all night, sailors randomly wandered the ship, at times, going in groups of a few people, a heated debate about how soon to get to the gold, and all the hysterical fear that they cheated.

What is happening on the ship could not fail to please a demon, but he was more focused on the Prince of the team, he knew that those with the ship already nowhere on it does not disappear.

– Who was the main thing – is to deprive their team captain – he thought – then they will be in his hands just obedient puppets, and he is a demon to do with them whatever he wants. Only Prince could stop him, in his mind, the demon could not find any defect for which it was possible to catch and kindle in him the hatred and anger. While generosity and faith in God, the prince was so strong that he was not subject him to the demon.

Already getting light in the east the sky was purple – gray, the sky went out almost all the stars were burning last nightingales was finishing his wee trills. The sky brightened, and the darkness of the short summer night quickly retreated. Objects that an hour ago seemed black and shapeless silhouettes, acquire a clear outline.

Sinister boatswain, also fell under the influence of a demon, he crawls up to the mate behind and strongly hit him on the head with an oar, the sailors jumped on stunned officer, tied up and locked him in a cabin on the lower deck of the ship.

All, as one is not saying a word, he ran ran ashore on the trail of the scouts. Find your way to them it was not difficult, since it led eve cut through a clearing, so an hour later frantically running shameless team, out of breath, came running into the clearing with oak.

The picture that met their gaze, struck in a moment of their imagination, all they briefly fell into a stupor, and for some time stood open – mouthed with bulging eyes in surprise. Under a huge oak tree completely around it was strewn with acorns of pure gold, and their comrades, crawling on his knees across the clearing, frantically stuffing their pockets with acorns, not paying the slightest attention to the new arrivals. Coming out of the stupor and a little breathless from the long run, all with an obsession rushed to collect the gold. Nobody even asked about the fate of the prince, they just do not notice, that among these poor devils, crawling on his knees on a forest clearing, it simply did not exist.

At first, all carefully packed pockets, shoved golden acorns in his bosom, and then began to drop her clothes, making of his pants and vests likeness bags. Gold was much, every shovel as much as he could, but when faced foreheads randomly, many began to quarrel and fight among themselves, blood and drool running down their dirty faces. Picture of moral degradation of these people from outside looked so disgusting that it is better to see it was not.

Birds, jumping from branch to twig, singing and chattering, not paying any attention to the madness of people. Hurrying about their business hedgehog, hearing a noise in the meadow, prudent simply ran its side, and the audience there was one – and it was a demon, he continued watching from his den. He scenes that take place in the meadow accursed island, brought a true delight, he reveled with delight, clapped and cheered aloud fighting men.

– More, More, Give, embedding it, ah well, oh well – rolling with laughter, rolling on the floor demon. Today he was really damn happy as could be at all happy with the devil himself, to whom, in fact, was the messenger of the dark forces, six hundred sixty six planets of the Milky Way.

High above the forest the sun rose on the grass with dew evaporated, fun breeze ruffled the leaves on the aspen, through dense crown that made their way onto the grass sunbeams, appearing here and there. Picture of peace and tranquility reigned in the forest, harmonious choir of cicadas seemed to hang under the canopy of ancient trees, the clatter of little insects diluted ringing chirping little birds jumping on the branches of a mighty tree.

Sailors team, collect all the golden acorns under a huge oak tree, lying quietly on their hastily made bags, exhausted from the manifest zeal, and the demon had already begun pumping evil energy that has accumulated here in a clearing in excess. With each “prospector” he downloaded and loaded on two circular battery, but he knew that after a while, these same people again possessed by greed will be filled with evil, and where they now are, until the end of his days will be a source of evil energy. He defeated them, and already tired to rejoice, rejoice, and sat with a devilish smile, screwing up his vile green eyes, looked at the detachment yellow ceiling of his refuge, tapping his knuckles thin fingers on the arm of a huge hard chair of oak wood.

None of the teams do not know – how and what to do next? Bring at once to ship all collected gold was not possible, only one bag, made out of his pants and full of gold, there was no lift, but still each had two pounds of acorns in the vest, all had hats that too, of course, were filled. All lay, warily glancing at each other, and fearing even for a moment move away from his treasure. That’s how they were dumb until the evening: almost naked, hungry and angry, dirty, bloody and snot after the fight.

Finally, the boatswain, to preserve the remnants of his mind suggested:

– Let’s take turns to drag their bags for a distance visibility, Kinema lot numbers and will carry. A little grumbling all agreed, wrote the numbers on pieces of paper and began to pull them out of a hat boatswain. The cunning, to be the first, rather than to draw lots consent for a common cause release of his hat with gold. There was no way, no one else wanted to pour out of his hat, a single gold acorn, but in this situation they can not do without such a necessary subject for drawing lots. The die was cast, everyone got their room.

Boatswain first dragged dragged their tightly packed gold pants to the edge of the field, immediately rushed to run for his hat and vest. So numbers started moving, all loudly shouted and chased the next owner of the treasure, which is barely dragged their burdens to the edge of the clearing. While dragged his load to start clearing the last of the lot, almost dark, we decided to sleep here in the clearing until the morning.

The night passed quietly, only groaning and quiet noises were heard in the forest, cunning boatswain, as he believed, while everyone was asleep, dragged his secretly all the gold on the ship in his cabin. I poured it into a large chest, freeing one from the previously acquired property, locked on a reliable locking and before dawn arrived at the location where the night his team. At dawn, the eye boatswain’s astonishment nearly fell out of the cornea, one of the men team was not there, on the road leading to the ship, he also met nobody. Deciding that all swallowed some evil spirit, he ran for running on Korean vet. Boatswain sat on the deck by Rhea, trembling with fear, he took out his pipe. Not counting the chirping of birds, around a deathly silence.

It seemed that the ship also was empty, complete silence, no rustle, the ship was like a “Flying Dutchman”, only very close loudly suddenly started to cook cuckoo – Uh – huh, uh – huh. Out of habit, he wanted to find and get to know – how many years he left to live. But he had to think of how she stopped. Thousand devils! Damn you, – he cursed in their hearts. Apsch-hee, hee apsch – suddenly he heard someone sneezed twice at the left side of the ship. Taking his knife, he was like a cat made his way to the spot and looked into the lifeboat.

There, sprawled on the shirt and pants, holding his hat with trembling hands, full of golden acorns almost naked, wearing white underwear torn on ass pants lying belly down on his wealth skinny sailor. At the sight of this pitiful spectacle, the boatswain laughed, glancing at himself, laughed even louder, he himself was in the same form.

– Come on get up, damn you to hell, – commanded the boatswain, but the sailor did not move, only tightened their precious cargo. Boatswain looked into the next boat and saw a similar picture, but the sailor was a plump and short, because his ass is more expressive peering through a huge hole underwear pants of unknown color and pattern, not the cells, not the peas. On the command to rise, and this instance, the owner of the treasure and the future magnate, well, in a very ragged pants, or rather in one small part of what was left of them – gum lined closure band and rags hanging from her to her knees, reacted as well as the first “capitalist”.

Under the tarpaulin, harboring tackle, he found the third “bourgeois”, but, like the first two, this thought is now rich enough, so has every right not to work, and lie in his underwear, since his heart desires, wherever and however you like.

– Excuse me, Mr. Boatswain, if you please deliver to your boat wealthy passengers to their destination with honor and respect, according to his social status and position – quietly to himself, staring open and honest eyes on the boatswain in the same underwear, said his whole appearance and look newly-born nouveau riche.

Boatswain realized that the whole team here for a long time already on the ship, but did not see him as their chief, they do not impress people, even with huge fists. He seems to have so to say – not in form for the rank-dressed, or rather almost naked does not represent yawl authority. Realizing this, he went to his cabin and dressed in clean sea shape with marks of distinction, and for the credibility of his rank and command arguments submitted this “new rich”, he took a heavy whip tipped with lead. One could not understand the boatswain its large “smart” head, which could give the team more loudly in the wind storm – How and when the men team was able to get on the ship, and he did not notice?

In fact, everything was up to ridiculously simple. When crafty boatswain lying in front of all, crawled from his bag to the ship, the sailors, lying in a string of clearing it up with an interval of ten steps, synchronously moved behind him, a precaution before hiding in the woods next to the second part of its production. Follow the boatswain carefully in the stillness of the night listening to every movement of the lead as he stopped all froze as a team. Boatswain in absolute darkness, and he, rustling his baggage, had not seen or heard behind him crawl and drag its prey string of forty-nine sinful souls. While boatswain delved into the cabin, hiding their gold, the soul, the mouse has spread around the ship and each hid, as it seemed, its capital share in a safe place. When the boatswain went back, the sailors of the second part of his wealth fled running along the shore of the lagoon to the sea, and then down the road from the sea to the clearing. Thus, running in a semicircle, they again proved his back behind him, and he did not notice anything. In the second best-selling it was the same up to each step and rustling. Boatswain dragged their luggage to the ship, and they followed their procession.

By morning, the boatswain, satisfied that all the deceived and now hope to grab yourself more, helping someone to deliver the goods, and went back a third time, and the team all have been on board the vessel, and each has hidden in his cubbyhole, clutching his chest hidden his load. Boatswain in that hour could be alone and with nothing on the island, would eat the sailors hijacked ship, but they could not leave even for a moment their wealth, clinging to him, just lay quietly on the burrows and reveled in its unexpected happiness. They at that moment was not even anger, at all nothing, they were deflated demon empty, mindless zombies, similar to the patients of a madhouse. They no longer dreamed about how they dispose of their wealth, did not dream about the servants and big houses, they did not want any loose life, nor pleasure, nor power, which gives gold. They were only one – the idea that they have a lot of gold to see and embrace the gold, which they did, huddled dirty naked bodies to their bags with golden acorns.

Love will save the Planet. Fantasy

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